Truth or Dare!!! 09

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A/N : That took longer than I expected uwu sorry for the wait :p Thank you shadowlya for the dare and sorry it took you years to wait *laugh nervously* Ahem- anyway, hope you like this part!

Bruce : "I dare you to kiss Director Fury "

Phil Coulson's face turns crimson red with steam coming out of his ears. He wasn't expecting this at all. Thinking maybe they would give him a bit of mercy since he's their superior but nope! Reality slap him right on his face. He was so prepared to run around the park on his (Captain America) underwear or steal Maria's old photo album or even eat 5 huge everything burrito until he gets into a coma!!!

Never in his entire life he would possibly be able to imagine his whole career would be crumble into bits by the loving doctor; our sweet precious doctor.

The senior agent played with his thumb to calm his nerve. Working his brain out to come up with a good excuse or way from doing the dare.

Phil.C : "can it be anyone else other than the boss? " he whined.

Tony : "No way bud! This is way too good to be rejected!! " he lifted his hand to give a high five to Bruce and Doc gladly took the gesture.

Loki : "It would not be that bad, son of coul" he comforted the agent.

Pepper : "Just a peck on the cheek would be enough" she stated but as expected from Tony, he made it worse.

Tony : "No no no no! Kiss the boss on the lips~" he grinned and wink.

Phil.C : "Wha-- NO!!!" He panicked.

Bruce : "Yes! And it's final"

Clint : "Just kiss him and run! no biggie" he shruged before leaning back in a relaxing way as if he had done it before.

Natasha : "yeaaaaaaa it wouldn't be that easy, Clint" she pointed out. She tapped the screen on her wrist gadget and a blue screen hologram appeared in front of her.

She handed the hologram to Phil, showing him the director is in his office with 'MURDER' written all over his face. Though all of the furniture in his office had been fixed and put back to their perspective places.

Tony : "you got two hours, Coulson" he notified with a grin on his face.


Phil.C P.O.V

'SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTT' I screamed in my own thoughts. Of all people .... why the director. Why!?! I took out my phone and dialed that one friend that knows what's best for me, who treated me like a brother and always be there to give me an advice; Agent Hill.

I vigorously diel her number and as expected she answered my call without me waiting for her to pick it up.

M -"Hey Phil! What's up?"

"Heeeeeeyyyyy Marie, can you help me out with something ?"

M - "And that 'something' is? " she ask in suspicion.

"I'll tell you when I get to your house"

M - "Roger that! You know where the key's at" she reminded me and ended the call.

I glance at my watch and I have 1 hour and 45 minutes left. I can get to her house in 10 min by car-- or better yet!

I dug inside my pants pocket and took out a capsule. 'I knew this thing would come in handy' he pressed the small botton on the top of the capsule and quickly threw it onto the floor as it reveled itself as a motorcycle.

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