Truth or Dare!!! 02

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While Natasha, Clint, Peter and Bruce at the kitchen eating Chocolate Fudge; Thor, Loki and Steve were waiting for the others patiently except Tony. He stood up, put his hands on hip and pouted.

Thor thought he was angry with him, So he approach the Grumpy Tony.

Thor : "Forgive me, Man Of Iron for I have broken your window and also the bottle " he scratches the back of his neck.

Tony : "Nah its ok" he patted Thor's shoulder and turned around.

Tony : "Hey guys, are you done eating yet ? " he yelled through the intercom on the wall that connected to every room in the tower itself and crossed his arms over his chest.

Steve just sat there, reading a book while waiting for the others to return. He peeked at Loki and caught him staring at the book for quite sometimes. It seems he found himself a book worm buddy.

Steve : "What's wrong, Loki, is there something bothering you ?"

Loki's head snapped up and looked at Steve.

Loki : " Oh ummm.... I was wondering what sort of book were you reading ?" he asks shyly.

Steve : " Its about two boys. They were childhood friends until the time they've grown up something had change within them..."

Loki bright green eyes sparkles and lean closer to him.

Loki : "M-May I see!!!"

Steve : "sure" he handed the book to Loki.

Steve : "you can have it if you want" he gave Loki a genuine smile.

Loki : "Thank you, I shall read it as soon as possible " he put the book aside and the others have arrived.

Tony : "What took you guys so long down there" he and sit back down next to his husband but still glaring at them.

Clint : " Well your son pretty much wanted more Chocolate Fudge, so Natasha have to make more of them "

Bruce : " Not Entirely true though...."

Clint shoot a glare at Bruce, he put one finger on his lip and shush at him. Bruce ignored him.

Natasha : "What Bruce said is true, your son ate some of it but mostly Clint ate them all" glancing over at Clint.

Loki : "exactly how many did he ate ?" he intervened.

Peter : "It's 19 in a half, I ate the other half hehehe" he giggled.

Clint : "you mean you stole the other half " he corrected.

Steve : "Ok you guys, are we gonna play this game or not ?"

Peter : "What kind of game are you playing daddy ?" with a quizzical look.

Tony : "Ummm...." he stare at Bruce.

Bruce : "Its a grown up game Peter, only adult can play" he cut in and gave a soft smile.

Peter : "Oooh ok, I'll go play with Wade then, bye papa bye daddy" he gave his daddies each a kiss on the cheek and wave to the rest of the Avengers as well as Loki as he left the room.

Thor : "Well lets continue where we last off" he grab the bottle that had been put on the table.

Loki : "This time be more gentler" he tease.

Thor roll his eyes, spin the bottle and stop at Bruce.

Thor : "Ah Dr.Banner,What shall you chose Truth or Dare ?"

Bruce : "I'll chose Dare"

Thor : "Huh, I shall dare you....." he paused.

Loki let out a mischievous smile and whisper to Thor's ear, He grinned.

Tony : "that's not good" he whisper to Steve. Steve nodded firmly.

Thor : "I dare Dr.Banner to make ridiculous faces expression every time you are angry and before you turn into The Hulk "

Tony and Clint : "WHAT THATS TOO SOFT !?" they grumbled.

Natasha : "I think its great " she admitted with a grin.

Tony and Clint looked at each other and grinned and approach Bruce who was sitting there staring at them thinking something bad is gonna happened any moment now and he was right. The first person who started it was Tony, he rapidly poke Bruce on his side and Clint join in.

Clint : "Hey Bruce, are you mad~? hehehe" he poked Bruce's cheek.

Tony : "Bruce~Bruce~Bruce~Bruce~Bruce~Bruce~are you mad bro, are you mad bro, come on buddy, make that face~"

Natasha : " You idiot, do you want him turn to The Hulk ?!" she hit Clint's head.

Clint : "OW!!" rubbing his head.

Steve : "Tony, stop that!!!" pulling his husband away from Bruce.

Loki : "Thor do something before he turns into that ugly green monster...." he hides at Thor's back.

Thor : "Have no fear Loki, I shall protect you no matter what cause!" he lift his hammer, ready to attack.

Bruce : "L-lets just continue the game" he clutch his fist and whisper to himself "Later I'll get my revenge on you both" and let out a forceful smile.

Thor gave the bottle to him and he spins the bottle and it stops at Loki.

Bruce : "Well Truth or Dare, Loki ?"

Loki : "Dare!!!" with a smirk.

Bruce : "I dare you to wear a maiden outfit, serve us as your master and act all cute around Thor for a week and if you don't do it the other me will smash you" with an innocent smile.

Everyone was in deep silent and for Loki, he made horrified it is true that cute can be deadly. Loki knew that he can't back down the dare, he sighed and got to his feet.

Thor : "Where are you going, Loki?" he ask, mystified.

Loki : "I will be right back in a minute" he exited the room.

Tony : "well let's continue the game" he considered

Thor : "No!!!" he cut in "We must wait for Lo-"

Loki : "O-onii-chan...."

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