Truth or Dare!!! 06 (2)

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-The Avengers + Loki +Phil Coulson return to the Avengers Tower-

When all of them enters the room and sat at their previous position; they've notice the broken widow had been fix.

Tony : "JARVIS, did pep came by while we were gone ?"

JARVIS : "Yes, sir"

Tony : "she must be really busy-"

Steve : "You should give her a day off, Tony" he suggested.

Tony : "Yeah, maybe I should" about to dial her number until-

??? : "Aw thank you Tony~ I really do need a week off. I should go to Paris"

And came in 'Ms.Pepper Potts'; also known as Tony's secretary, his Best friend or 'Tony's Sassy Sister' (I like this one X3).

Steve : "Good Afternoon, Ms.Potts" he greeted, politely.

Pepper : "Good Afternoon to you too Steve and please just call me 'pep'. you're like a-"

Tony : "Brother-in-law~" he butt in and gave her a grin.

Pepper : "yes, a Brother-in-law" glance at Tony and roll her eyes.

Pepper look at the others and notice Loki is wearing a dress.

Pepper : "OH.MY.GOD!?" she marched toward Loki.

Pepper : "Loki!!!" and grab his hands.

Loki : "um....yes ?"

Pepper : "I.LOVE.YOUR.DRESS!!!! It look so cute on you~ Next time you'll be my shopping partner"

Loki : "oh I'm flattered~" his cheeks turn light pink.

Pepper : "-let me guess Tony are you playing Truth or Dare ?" with a confident smile.

Tony : "is it really obvious that I'm the one who suggested this game ?"

Everyone have their eyes on Tony and nodded. Pepper let out a smile and sat next to Natasha.

Pepper : "So who's spinnin' ?" looking at the others.

Clint : "Me" he took the bottle on the table and spins it.

[Clint spins the bottle and stops at Loki]

Loki's eyebrow arched as he crosses his legs and lean back on Thor's arm.

Clint : "So Loki, Truth or Dare ?"

Loki : "Dare~" with a kitty smile.

Clint : "Good, then follow me for a while--"

Thor : "Son Of Barton, if you attempt to do unnecessary things to my love-- I shall hit your head hard with my Mjolnir!" he warned Clint with a growl.

Natasha : "Calm down Thor. he won't do that"

Loki : "She is right. I will be fine my dearie" he sprang up, came behind Thor and drawing his head back, kissing him. Afterwards he follow Clint to where ever he's bringing him.

Tony : "There's nothing to worry about Clint. when it's come to Dare he's worst at it"

Bruce : "Yeah. last time when he tries to dare me, he actually made the other guy 'Hulk out' and things didn't went well"

Phil : "So that's what happened to-- " he point his index finger down.

Natasha and Pepper : "Yup" looks at each other and laugh.

-10 minutes later-

Loki came back, looking very cheerful then normal.

Phil : "He's 'Smiling'. that's not good" he said to Bruce.

Loki sits at his seat and take a quick glance at Tony and look at Clint. Clint grin and nodded.

Loki : "Forgive me Son of Roger, for this--" he lift his right hand toward Tony and green smoke appear at Tony's sitting spot and what's left is his clothes. Steve startled and look at Loki with a frown.

Steve : "LOKI WHAT DID YOU DO TO TONY-- wait " he pause while staring at Tony's Clothes for a couple of minutes.









Steve : "oh my god.....TONY!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY TONY!!!! OH GOD.MY TONY. MY PRECIOUS TONY!!!!" he panicked and start to rustling his hair in a mess.

??? : "Ugh my head hurt....." a familiar voice could be heard from Tony's bundle of clothes.

Steve : "Tony.....?"

And what's came out from Tony's clothes was a-- DOG!?

Bruce : "a talking dog ?"

Tony : "Who're ya callin' a dog!"

Natasha : "*smirk* you" she said half-jestingly.

Tony : "Ha.ha.ha very funny Natasha"

Tony turns his head to the back and frown.

Tony : "Guys there's something on my back and it's MOVING!?" he chase it around in circle on the mattress ignoring others watching him.

Steve eyes were sparkling and his face is blushing pink, not in embarrassment but he's squealing in his mind while watching Tony chasing his tail in circle.

Tony : " a pain in the ass !!!" still chasing it.

Bruce, Natasha and Clint are filming, Phil is face palming (such word), Thor and Loki holding their laughter, Pepper......well she's doing what Steve's doing, Fangirling-- Fanboying.....I don't know -3- .

Tony : "God I'm tired....." he stop and landed on his back.

Steve : "You should take it slow, Tony"

Tony : "my head hurt......wait" he look at his hands and foot that had turn into paws.

Tony : "what happened to my hands!!! and my legs!?" He screamed.

Bruce : "do you think he remember who he is ?" he whisper to Clint.

Tony : "What kind of a question is that, of course I know who I am. "

Tony : "I'm a billionaire, genius, playboy-- I mean a married man, Philanthropist. I'm Tony *Bark*"

Clint : "Tony what ?"

Tony : "do you got ear problem or something, it's Tony *Bark*"

Pepper : "you mean 'Stark' "

Tony : "that's clearly what I said : *Bark*"

Pepper : "Yea whatever"

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