Truth or Dare!!! 04

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Natasha came back to the living room with a playful smile on her face.

Tony : "Having fun breaking my stuff ?" it was obvious he was a little pissed with her.

Natasha : "Yes, yes I did" she admitted with a chuckled.

Loki : "Well than, shall we continue the game ?" trying to move away from Thor's Strong arms around him.

Bruce : "yeah I think we should before Thor kiss Loki to death"

Natasha roll her eyes and glance at clint who was staring blankly at the table until tony interrupted him.

Tony : "Earth to clint, can you hear me ?"

Clint : "F**K OFF TO-" he notice Natasha was looking at her.

He blushed.

Clint : "hey Nat...."

Natasha : "Hey....." she sat beside him in a total silent.

Bruce : "Awkward"

Tony : "I know right"

Clint took the bottle and spins it.

~The bottle stops at Steve~

Clint : "Ok Cap, Truth or Dare?"

Steve : "Hmmm.....I'll choose Truth"

Clint : "do you still have a crush on 'Buggy' ?"

Bruce : "'Buggy' ? Who's 'Buggy' ? "

Tony : "you have a crush on a bug ?"

Steve : "No and Who's 'Buggy' ?"

Clint : "You know the solder girl!"

Everyone (except Loki and Thor) : "PEGGY!!!"

Clint : "yeah that girl.....that what I said"

Steve rolled his eyes and shake his head.

Steve : "yes I did, I was suppose to be going on a date with her after the war ended but sadly....I.....didn't make it" he tears filling his eyes but luckily Tony was there to comfort him; He smiled.

Steve : "and the first day I met Tony I fell in love with him, I knew that he'll be the person who I could be with until the end" he gently plant a soft kiss on Tony's forehead.

Tony blushed, he was about to kiss Steve back.

Clint : "*cough*NotInHere*cough*"

He looked at Clint and let out a groan.

Tony : "I'll deal with you later after we finish this game" he whisper to Steve.

Bruce : "Ok your turn to spin Steve"

And out of the blue, They heard the elevator door open and came out Agent Coulson.

Phil : "Hey guys do you know what happened to Fury's eye patch, He's gone mad, Literally, everything inside his office are smashed into pieces and oh nice dress you've got there Loki"

Loki : "Thank you, Mr.Coulson" with a sweet smile on his face.

Phil : "and tony are you playing Truth or Dare ?"

Tony : "yup do you wanna join in ?"

Phil : "Now I know what happened and sure thing" he sit next to Bruce.

A/N : Yay Phil Coulson joining in (^w^) I hope you like this part and if you like to give a Truth or Dare to the Avengers/Coulson/Loki/Others, you could just leave it at the comment or give me a message if you want it to be private. As always give a comment if you like and give a vote.

P.s : Forgive me for this story are short ,in the next part I'll make sure the story are long. *bow and wave*

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