Truth or Dare!!! 03

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Thor : "....." he was completely speechless.....well everyone is.

Loki's cheeks were bright pink, his eyes.....oh those beautiful green sparkling eyes, that remind me those day when we were in boyhood days playing in our secret spot at the forest that is and the color of those cute Clothes match him very well with his smooth and pale skin, with such beauty that could stop a thousand armies, who could not fall for his charm!!!, Thor thought to himself.

Loki : "U-Umm....L-loki want to say sorry for not having the right outfit-"

Natasha : "Its ok!" she cut in with a smile (?).

Steve : "Y-yeah come on, lets keep on playing"

Bruce notice that Thor kept staring at Loki for 2 or 3 minute, he lean forward to whisper Thor's ear.

Bruce : "Hey Thor, you might wanna close your mouth before you drool" he chuckled.

Thor came back to reality and quickly close his mouth, was he staring at Loki with his mouth open ?

He glance at Loki.

Thor : "come Loki" he patted the sectional mattress beside him.

Loki walked slowly toward Thor and sit beside him. He grab the bottle and spin it, somehow he felt warm touches at his waist and it was Thor's hand. Oh, how warm it was but he need to concentrate.

~The bottle stop at Tony~

Loki : "Mr.Stark, what shall you choose Truth or Dare ? " with a cute voice and a bright smile.

Tony : " *smirked* I'll choose Dare cause I'm the manliest in this team"

Loki : "Oh really, I shall dare Mr.Stark to never enter Any lab for 3 Months"


Steve : "That's a perfect dare, thanks Loki, now he doesn't have to lock himself up anymore inside that lab" he said, happily.

Clint : "HAHAHA in your face Stark!!!" he burst into laughter.

Tony : "Grrrr..." in a grumbled and kept mumbling and cursing and also wishing to get revenge toward Clint and Loki.

He roughly grab the bottle and spin it.

~The bottle stop at Clint~

He grinned, lean back and cross his leg, Clint swallowed a lump in his throut.

Tony : "Well Truth or Dare, Birdbrain"
Clint : "Dare!!!"

Tony sit up straight, stare at Clint with a deadly glare.

Tony : "I dare you to go to Fury office and when he fell a sleep, decorate his eye patch with glitter.....but not just any glitter, girly glitter and stickers and after that tell everyone I mean Everyone in the Halacarrier who you loooooooooove~"

Steve : "who is it, Tony ?"

Tony : "Just wait and see, babe, just wait and see" with a mischievous smile.

Clint P.O.V

Shit!!! I should've choose Truth but no I can't or not Natasha would see me weak moreover she'll even tease me for not being man enough.

Wait! I can make an excuse.....for a second thought, I don't think so....I'm worst at making excuses.

I got to my feet and went to the Halacarrier, pronto!! At first I hacked into the Halacarrier security system to shut down the nearest camera at Fury's Office, than I took a peek and notice he was asleep so I quietly enter the room and carefully bedazel his eye patch.

Fury : "Hmmm.....please don't go, Michelle" he mumbled.

I think his having a nightmare; well lets just make sure he doesn't wake up....and after that I enter the announcement room.

Clint : "I'm Hawkeye and I Love Agent Romanoff!!!" and quickly exited the room.

~at The Avengers Tower~

Tony : "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!OMG look at his eye patch!!!"

Everyone were inside the living room laughing except Clint and Natasha, she went to her room before Clint came back to the tower.

Steve : "what's wrong with Nat ?" whipping off his tears.

Clint : "I BlAmE ToNy FoR ThIs !"

All of a sudden, They could hear broken glasses from upstairs, well when you think about it......a LOT of broken glasses !!

Steve : "Holy Poptart!!!" about to go upstairs to investigate but Tony stop him.

Tony : "leave her be....for a while"

Bruce : "Don't worry about the glasses too, Tony can buy more of them"

Natasha P.O.V

~After Clint left the tower~

Oh boy, here we go again....I think I should stay out of this and Clint, you should've choose Truth.....

Tony took out his laptop, turn it on and watch Clint from it.

I was about to leave but instead I heard a men shout from Tony's laptop.

Clint : "I'm Hawkeye and I Love Agent Romanoff!!! "

My heart skip a beat, I ran to my room and lock the door. I don't know....I feel like I wanna scream for no reason and my face felt like its burning; I went to the bathroom and wash my face multiple of times but it didn't work, my face were still red.

My mind was all messed up, I don't know what do. I went to the kitchen to calm myself down but instead I broke some glasses inside the cabinet and it felt good~.

So I broke another couple of glasses but it wasn't enough!!! I need to let out this feeling within me....

~1000 broken glasses later~

Well I think I had enough for today. I better go back with the others.

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