Truth or Dare!!! 08

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Yes yes I know "where's the dare?" well actually the Tony kissed Steve part was actually a dare but I incidently turn it into a scene rather than a dare so pls forgive me for that but don't worry I would do the dare in the future on another part. Nevertheless thanks for the suggestion The_Iplier_Person!!

Wade - 10 yrs old
Peter - 8 yrs old

-with Peter and Wade-

Peter : "I'm back!! " he announced at his friend who's technically in his bedroom playing 'little nightmare' on his new playstation 4 that had been given by his daddies for achieving excellent test result during his mid-year exam.

Wade : "Welcome back, honey bun!" He beamed, giving him a toothy smile. He was sitting on a huge pastel blue bean bag that is twice bigger than him and Peter.

Peter snorted. His cheeks turns pink at the nickname Wade gave him. At school he would usually call him, Pedey/Petey or Babe but that's only when they're alone like during break time or with people they're very close with. Nevertheless when it comes to at Peter's home or wade's, he'd call him; Love, Honey bun and Hon.

From a guy that you wouldn't be into. A guy that you'd kinda be into. From a guy he'd never be into. A guy that he'd kinda be into. Is he worthed? Reader? Is he?

Peter : "I brought brownies" he cheered. He managed to smuggle some before his Uncle Clint ate them all.

Wade : "AWESOME!!! Bring 'em here" he gestured peter to sit on between his leg.

Peter took the offer willingly and do as he said. As he settled down he place the plate beside them and grab one for himself. Wade lean on Peter's back, arms around the smol bean with the controller on his hand and his head rest on top of the other one's head. In short, he's cuddling him.

Wade : "what were they doin' ? "

Peter : "they're playing some kind of an adult game called Truth or Dare"

Wade : "Dang. that game is bad news"

Peter glanced up and press the start botton on wade's controller to pause the game. Wade took that as a signal for 'break time'; he put away the controller and wrapped his arms around the lil' boy's body.

Peter : "What do you mean by bad news? " he was obviously curious on what does wade statement meant.

Wade : "You know... people would dare each other do stupid stuff like 'eat a Ghost pepper' or 'punch random people on the street' or so on like that" he explain.

Peter pause. He's parents are playing that game and Wade said it was dangerous. He imagine many possibility of self harm like jumping off a cliff, eat a dozen of sour candy, dip in a tub filled with ice and..... milk. He panicked, turning his whole body facing his friend and cup his tiny hand, making wade cheeks look squishy.

Peter : "we need to check them, wadey" he said, concern.

Wade sigh and place his hand on top of Peter's hands.

Wade : "don't worry, hon. Your pops gonna be fine and hey! They're the strongest super heroes in the world " he pointed out.

This may be true but Peter just couldn't help the feeling of discomfort in his tummy. He snuggle his face on to wade's chest and mumble something unaudible. The blondie chuckle and whisper comfort things on to his ear, telling him everything would be alright.

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