Preparing to race

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POV Narrator:

In Luna Nova things seemed to be pretty normal, the classes were back and the students were already used to the days, but in this time Bernadette started to promote the formation of her private team to work in the BBRT, that in the case she even got it very quickly, April became the strategist and the pit stop mechanics were Beatrice, Molly, Rosemary, Eleanora, Aika, Velma, Scarlet, Francine, Phoebe and Raven, all of whom came together to work for Cavendish's team, but still had to train to prepare for the race, this team preparation had already taken a good few days leading up to the registration date which would be on February 19th which was the registration deadline and the pre-race which would take place on February 27th before the definitive start of the season on the British Broom Racing Tour.

Time was not really on the girls' side, especially since Bernadette spent a lot of time training her broomstick skills alone without thinking much about the team, until Laura started asking her girlfriend a little bit about the team's training and she had no idea, She even confided in them to train with each other, which made McLaren very doubtful about everything to the point that she decided to call them all for a definitive training session, especially since she was very much a mechanic, with all the necessary equipment that a team of racers uses.

Sunday, January 17, 1988

The day was dawning in Luna Nova, the girls of the team that Bernadette formed in the BBRT were all in the blue team's room sleeping after a small party that they made celebrating the formation of the team and the chance to earn some extra money, and Laura and Bernadette even took a little time to make love in their private room, as well as other girls that were in couple or just wanting to do something hotter. That morning the McLaren Cavendish couple was waking up after a night like every night they used to do, the two were getting up still quite sleepy, do their personal hygiene and soon after they changed and were ready, this time with the training clothes by the Scottish girl and McLaren who just put on her uniform and started talking from there with her girlfriend.

POV Bernadette:

I guess today is my team's training day after all the partying we did in this room? Wow, yesterday was kind of fun after the go-kart, but now I hope they will be with me in this training, although I don't have that much sense of leadership... I guess, but I have to, otherwise nobody will obey my orders when I'm racing, imagine what a disaster it will be if they haven't trained at all... I really forgot about this part, I was so focused on myself that I forgot that I'm not alone in this.

- Bern we have to talk about your team, they need to get a bit of a grip, imagine these lazy girls trying to change a broomstick wing and out of nowhere because of one that has not trained well your race can go to space, that's why I'm here to stop it, so much so that I as a mechanic will teach them all how to do the basics, since a change of wings takes no more than 4 seconds and look there, it has to be very fast so as not to ruin the race - she said what I understood clearly.

- I know, honey, but how are they going to want to join this training? They've been called attention for the money, but I doubt they'll want to train because it's a "bore" if you know what I mean, honey... - I say until Laura puts her hands on my shoulder and then gives me a shake.

- Don't let yourself be defeated so easily, my love! Don't put your head down just because you're not getting an accomplishment! Look, I'm going to help you out with this one for a son of a bitch! Come with me and I'll make these girls get the hang of it and train! - said my Laura all serious.

Laura soon takes me to the other part of the room, where she starts making noise waking up all of them, hitting a piece of metal she found, getting a whistle and even shouting "Wake up" to all the girls that started to all wake up in a jump, they were many of them sleepy and one by one they were waking up and looking at us angrily, until they were all together to have a clearer conversation between all of them and Laura about the race team.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now