Bernadette & Laura part 1

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POV Narrator:

Bernadette successfully managed to leave the Cavendish family residence, but she had a much bigger problem ahead which was the great risk of being disowned by her own mother and losing the scholarship to Luna Nova, but at that moment the best thing to do was just ignore it and move on, take advantage that she was at the Morris family residence to rest after the tight fight she had when facing her own mother, a fight that cost a lot physically, that no matter how much she healed herself with some potions, it was always recommended to rest the body, which made her have to stay all day at the Morris family residence.

There she got to know all of Rosemary's family as well as her boyfriend, who was one of the few people in Appleton who were really less worse, he was just a boy with strange and peculiar tastes, but he respected his girlfriend a lot and treated the witches very well, the boy was the definition of a gentleman, with long dark brown hair, blue eyes, a few pimples on his face and wearing glasses, the boy casually dressed in a more nerdy outfit, which was a black rock t-shirt, a jacket and jeans, and all star sneakers. Bernadette spent the whole day there playing a little chess and also chatting with Rosemary and her boyfriend, fully resting her body after the impact of that fierce fight against her own mother.

At the McLaren family's home, Laura couldn't stop thinking about Bernadette, always so buoyant, always so thoughtful, she was more like that than usual, she kept looking at the window, what was very noticeable was her lack of wanting to leave the house or to do anything else, she hardly played and when she did it was only to relax a little and not to make her sister Chelsea feel bad, since she thought only about Cavendish, the girl was what dominated her feelings the most, so much that the letters delivered by Rosemary were what cheered her up the most, she even sometimes had some moments that she put this passion aside, when her sister had some ideas for more brilliant games, like pillow forts, or when she relived childhood memories of the two, Chelsea noticed a lot the evident passion of her older sister about the Scottish girl and even wanted them to be together soon to have the good old Laura back.

Monday, December 21, 1987

The day was dawning in both Scotland and Ireland, the two girls were getting up from a night of sleep, both had dreamed about each other, the McLaren with a moment in which she was side by side with Cavendish with the two already married and having a daughter. The Scottish woman, on the other hand, had a spicier dream about her beloved, so much so that she woke up with her hand inside her pants without noticing what she had done during the night, until she woke up and looked around, Rosemary was still sleeping, as was her boyfriend. The Irish girl bizarrely also woke up at the same time and the two of them practically got out of bed together.

POV Bernadette:

It's today... Today is the day I'm going to Ireland, I'm going to see my Laura... After so long we are going to start this relationship, but first I want to make everything seem like a mystery to her, after all I don't want Laura to find out anything, I want her to be surprised by my presence there, so I will cause a shock when she sees my face... I will just wait for Rose to wake up, she is the one who will take me flying by broomstick to Ireland, so that my magic detection will be even harder to find... My mother will surely try to find me at some point.

I soon get out of bed, I noticed that I had slept with my hand inside my panties.... It must be because of that dream I had about Laura... It was kind of nice I admit, if it really happens like that today... I will love it, but I don't know... Will Laura really let me stay in her house? Oh, if it's up to Laura we will, but what about her family? Will they accept Cavendish there? I go into the bathroom, take off my clothes and from there I start my basic hygiene, just looking at the mirror and reflecting, today I will look nice for when Laura comes to see me.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now