The "perfect" Cavendish

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POV Narrator:

Laura is 16 years old, with a party that she didn't expect or want, she even managed to have a good time appreciating the effort that her friends and her sister made to make her smile on the day she turned that age, while she also celebrated in another way with her girlfriend Bernadette with amorous relations on her bed in the bedroom. Which for Cavendish, who had been ignored by her own mother, revealed that she was doing very well, feeling all happy, finally being able to live her moment alone with all the freedom in the world outside of that heavy, pressure-filled environment that was her own family's residence.

Bernadette's sister, on the other hand, was living a real hell if one could say so about living in her own residence, Daryl Cavendish had all the pressure on her from her mother to become the leader of the whole Cavendish family, In this she had to go through a whole training, she was constantly watched by her mother, who didn't let anything escape the girl's eyes, not even on school days she saved herself, always having someone watching her from afar and telling Clarie everything about what happened with Daryl in that enclosure, she really didn't have any privacy, having each of her actions meticulously watched, so that the same thing that happened with Bernadette wouldn't happen, according to the logic of the girls' mother who didn't want to see her second daughter turning against her, even more because it was the family's leadership that was at stake, nothing could be thrown away, after all it was Clarie Cavendish's last hope for the family to follow the traditions, although she was dead wrong, since Daryl's intentions were very contrary.

Saturday, January 16, 1988

The day was dawning in Weddinburgh at the Cavendish family mansion, the sunrays were not even beating down, but soon Daryl Cavendish was forced to wake up long before the sun appeared that morning, as soon as her mother got out of bed at four o'clock, another day began, she is woken up by her mother, She is woken up by her mother, does her daily needs and then starts to train as the day starts to really dawn, for all that morning, it was a Saturday day which was even worse, since during the week she only needed to train until eight o'clock in the morning and get ready for school, on weekend days she trained until nine o'clock in the morning, the time went by that whole physical training that involved a whole physical workout that was analogous to torture was coming to an end that morning only, it was just hours of physical preparation that involved moving very heavy statues, excessive pushups, running, swimming, excessive workout, all this using a special outfit that made it even more complicated to move, In the winter the clothes made the cold more intense and in the summer the heat became infernal, it was practically until the girl groaned with pain and even so she had to continue her mother gave her a healing potion and she was soon forced to return to her training. With the end of that part the poor girl was already tired.

POV Daryl:

It's been a month since Bernadette left and I already feel like my skin is going to tear out with all this training, I feel like my muscles want to kill themselves... Damn... I would never say this, but I really miss you my sister, at least without you I wouldn't be tortured here and forced to get powerful... But I will take it, if this is for my future, to become the leader of this whole family, I will try and become the biggest, I will destroy all of this, sell all of this stuff and revel in the wealth and fuck all of these traditions, fuck the fact that I have to follow this bullshit, because of this shit my life has become this hell, if I was born in the Cavendish family in London I would at least be living much better, there they don't care about traditions, they only care about wealth and being recognized, but no, I have to stay in this hell of an ass place... I will put an end to all this when I am 18 and everyone, even my mother, will not be able to complain.

- Okay girl, your warm up is over, let's eat and in a little while I want you in the library studying, I'll keep an eye out so let's go - said the torturer.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now