Locked to Evening

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Anita had come and gone from the kitchen, her fingers typing away on the strange small device. He had been planning to move again, but another door had opened when hers had closed. Footsteps had followed, and (f/n) came down soon after. It had been tempting to mess with her in that moment, but it had been too obvious, so he had waited for a better moment. At times, he hadn't been able to keep himself from chuckling since she had glanced his way every now and then with suspicious stares.

When she finally had left and eaten, he had waited a little bit before moving again. Her room door closed, and he waited a little bit longer. Once enough time passed in his opinion, he began to move. Light creaking followed, but when he reached the base of the stairs, he noticed that all of the lights were off upstairs. There were no sounds of televisions or those small devices playing a show. A smirk fell on his lips, but his expression remained neutral. Not requiring sleep anymore really had its benefits.

Going up the stairs, he managed to be as quiet as he possibly could with his limbs creaking every now and then. He didn't even glance towards Anita's room. Rather, he focused on (f/n)'s. None of him moved, though, as he listened for any sounds coming from within her room; he listened into Anita's room for a moment. Nothing alerted him.

Resting his hand on the doorknob, he turned it. The door didn't open. A chuckle escaped him. So, she locked the door this time around. Smart girl. Unfortunately for her, he had picked quite a few locks in his time, and he was very familiar with the lock on the room she was in. Having lived in it himself had its benefits. He turned around and went to go find a paperclip. They should still have those around ... hopefully. Seriously, why was there no calendar in the building?

As he walked away, (f/n) was fast asleep in her bed. Her maroon comforter hid most of her form, and only the top part of her head peeked out from under the covers. (F/n)'s arms were wrapped around one of her pillows, and a peaceful smile was on her lips. So far, no nightmare was greeting her sleep, and she currently was having a dreamless one.

Being in a deep sleep, she wasn't aware of the paperclip entering the space in the doorknob, and she didn't hear the lock clicking open. The doorknob turned, and the door slowly opened. It closed soon after, and the lock clicked shut again. Light creaking followed. As it got closer to her bed, her peaceful smile morphed into a slight frown. A groan of discomfort parted from her lips, and she hugged her pillow tighter.

At the end of her bed, a form stood and stared. A head turned from her towards her bathroom. Steps followed. The door already was opened, and eyes looked around. It was slightly different from before. The location of the sink, toilet and shower/tub were all in the same locations, but they looked newer and had different colors. Not to mention that the tiling on the walls and floor had changed too. They changed from mint green tiles on the lower walls and floor to dark purple on the walls and grey ones on the floor, and the bathtub was white with a black shower curtain. As for the sink, it simply looked like a newer model but remained white, and the toilet was a newer model with a black toilet seat cover. Admittedly, the new changes did look more appealing. Maybe, they should've been changed back then.

Regardless, the remodeling wasn't his focus. Instead, he closed the bathroom door slightly and flicked on the light switch. Enough light still entered the room and shone directly onto her bed. She didn't move at first, but when more light fell onto it, she moaned a bit in her sleep from the disturbance. Eventually, she did wake up, and she squinted her eyes. Was it morning already?

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