Expectation to Learn

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


When they had returned back home, he had gone back to the position he had been in. He had found nothing new during his extended search. No code, no calendar, nothing of any importance. It was definitely frustrating, and he wished that he could walk out the front window or even jump out of a window. It wasn't like he risked breaking a limb or a more serious injury from doing so anymore. If anything, a limb might come off, but he could reattach it, and it wouldn't hurt either. Admittedly, he was curious about what would happen if he lost his head, but he decided against testing that out in case he struggled getting it back on and no longer could see.

Not to mention that he didn't want it to kill him. He hadn't waited around for however long he had just to drop dead through means of curiosity. Already, he had died once, and he didn't really feel like going through that process again, though; given his form, it might not be as painful as the first time. His thoughts were interrupted, however, when he heard the two friends coming towards the kitchen.

"When are you going to date again, (f/n)?" Anita asked, her leather jacket thrown over the back of a chair in the dining room. "That way, you're not a third wheel when you come to meet him."

Chuckling and quirking a brow, (f/n) remarked, "I haven't even met the guy, and you're already planning on ignoring me at the bar?" She shook her head, and her (e/c) optics held amusement. "Appreciate it."

"Oh come on," Anita whined, but it was playful. "You know what I mean. You just might not get the conversation all the time or feel awkward. If you bring someone, you have someone to talk to during those times."

"Right. I don't really know if I want to go on a double date with someone I don't know and on the first time I'm meeting your boyfriend, who is really your first serious relationship might I remind you." (F/n) grinned and held a mischievous look. "I was thinking that we get him really drunk, and I ask him all the hard questions that a friend should ask."

"That might be hard since he won't drink in public. He doesn't want to end up drunk and embarrassing himself," Anita clarified while (f/n) only grinned.

"So, any chance he might be a lightweight?"

"(F/n)!" Anita exclaimed and hit her friend playfully on the upper arm. "You're not getting him drunk, and you're not going to ask him questions if for some reason he does." She held up her right index finger in warning, but it hardly could be taken serious given the pout on her face. "Got it?"

Holding her hands up in surrender, (f/n) muttered, "Sure, sure."

"I mean it!" she warned as (f/n) held open the door, and her friend walked into the kitchen first.

"Okay, I promise that I won't get him drunk and ask him tough questions." Anita gave a doubtful look. "I mean it. I'll keep it casual ... for now."

A pout formed on Anita's lips again, and (f/n) winked. Sighing, Anita threw up her hands and set her phone and purse on the counter before she headed over to the fridge. "You're impossible sometimes." She grabbed an apple before she walked over to one of the cupboards and took out peanut butter.

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