Lacking to Provide

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. Also, there will be four chapters posted today instead of two since next weekend I won't be on due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you for understanding, and I hope that all of you have a good evening/afternoon/morning ^-^! 


That evening, the two of them had taken a break from looking into Platinum Investments. Instead, they researched Fields' Interior Design. Perhaps, there was something revealing about Kaleb through his friend's family business. At least, that had been the hope. Like Kaleb's, the company had a stellar review, and she had to admit that the pictures of designs were ... nice. (F/n) wouldn't use a better adjective, and she hated complimenting the company regardless. Even sites with employee reviews didn't have much to go on. It was frustrating.

Sure, there were a couple of reviews that had less than five stars, but the situation was similar to that of Platinum Investments. Those reviews sounded like they were holding back on info. Lee didn't mention social media, but he knew that they'd have to look into it eventually to find something else out. The longer they waited, the more complicated things would become. And, that meant that (f/n) would have a harder time holding Tristan off and increased the likelihood of them switching to the other option. In fact, they might hit that other option tomorrow if Tristan tried to move things along quickly.

"There has to be something," she groaned out, fingers running through her hair. A heavy, annoyed frown was on her lips, and Lee was now the one looking for another site that might have useful information. Beside them and on the table was an empty plate, which had a slice of egg, bacon and ham quiche on it earlier. A cup of blackberry tea was by them too.

When she felt a hand on her right shoulder, she glanced over to the screen. Lee pointed to a site that had a discussion page on the company. "Well, that might be something." He clicked on it and turned it more towards her. Eyes scanning over the page, they soon stopped on a sub-topic. The rest of the topics had been about how great the customer service was and that the antique furniture finds were exceptional, but there was a chain that led off of one comment.

Instantly, she sat up and moved the laptop closer. The comment had been about how the owners' son had been extremely helpful and professional throughout the whole process. She scoffed at that and swiftly went over the other comments.

He was very helpful. Even stated to call him back if I ever had any questions despite being finished with the job.

Yes, I had a similar experience. Gave the number to my daughter. Apparently, he won't date clients' family members or clients. Won't even go on one date with them.

Why I didn't work with his company.

Smart. Wish I had thought of that.

There were other comments of a similar nature, and she felt her distaste for the guy grow even more. Honestly, she was amazed that the comments hadn't been deleted yet. Perhaps, that was because the site wasn't on the first page when searching for the company. But, perhaps, his parents thought that it might bring some more publicity to their company. Use their son as an advertisement and attract more clients in the process but make sure that no relationship formed. Unfortunately, the information didn't provide anything new. Both Lee and she knew that Tristan was someone who slept around. She did note that all of the comments that hinted at possible flings with Tristan weren't too recent. So, he really was holding off for the moment so that she'd be more convinced. His tactic wouldn't work, though, since she knew the truth of the matter.

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