Friends to Research

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Much to both of their relief, Anita did leave after about another thirty minutes. Even sooner would've been better, but Anita herself was in no rush, so she went at her usual pace. (F/n) just hoped that Anita wouldn't pick her up some swimsuit and try to get her into it tomorrow despite their conversation from earlier. Otherwise, she really would go pick up a one-piece. In fact, she was tempted to still, but she didn't want to waste time shopping when Lee and she had researching to do. Besides, she was going to wear shorts and a jacket over the swimsuit. Hopefully, she wouldn't be forced to swim. Knowing Anita, though ... Mentally, she groaned. Tomorrow was going to be terrible.

Even though she didn't groan audibly, her mental state was made clear by her physical one. (F/n) was lying face down on her bed, and her head was pressed into one of her pillows. Her laptop already was loaded up and on social media, but she only just had loaded up the picture from last night and Kaleb's page. That was when the thoughts of tomorrow again pestered her and caused her to collapse into her pillow from the annoyance of the upcoming pool 'date.'

Only did she look up again when something hit her on the head. It was light and pointy. A small smile touched her lips, and she grabbed the paper airplane. Don't stay long at the pool and come back here. I'll make you a drink, and we can watch a movie if you'd like. Now, her smile grew. That sounded wonderful. Her (e/c) optics glanced over to Lee who was leaning against the doorframe. She had been so vexed by the thought of tomorrow that she hadn't even heard his creaking limbs.

"I'd like that a lot." He nodded his head in response and walked into the room before he joined her on the bed. Lee placed the laptop on his lap, and he had learned how to make one of the boxes on the screen smaller so that he could see the other box since (f/n) had shown him on one of the previous nights. Minimizing certainly made it easier to do searching.

Rolling over onto her left side, she leaned against her pillow and observed Lee scrolling through Kaleb's friends to look for pictures of the other people in that club image. So far, no one popped up, but Kaleb did have a lot of friends. "Should we also look at their main pages again?" Lee glanced to her. "They know that I accepted their friend requests. Maybe, they added new stuff." She huffed a little. "Though, I doubt that it'd be anything useful."

It won't take long. I'll check. Then, we'll return to this. She nodded her head before she rested it back on the pillow. Lee opened two new tabs and loaded up both men's post history that was available to them. He checked Kaleb's first. Nothing was mentioned, except that he was going to the pool with Anita and some of their friends. Kaleb did use 'friends' instead of just the singular so that was a slight change even if it was vague information.

As for Tristan, his status had changed from single to taken, and he had posted about the pool too. He mentioned, though, that he was going with his girlfriend and some of his friends. So, he had been waiting for her to accept his friend request. How lovely. No one, at least from what they could see, asked about the status change, and she wondered if anyone had asked if they had done so through private messages.

Seems like he'll be mentioning you from now on. Slowly, she nodded. But since he was talking about her now, she worried that he might start wanting to take pictures and post them. Not to mention talk about what they were doing together and such. It'd make things a hassle, especially since she'd be expected to do the same thing too. He'd start to wonder why she hadn't changed her status or posted, and she didn't know how long the excuse of wanting to keep things private would last.

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