Home to Calm

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Somehow, she had made it through dinner, but she didn't want to have another one of those. Unfortunately, the next one might be at the café. She still didn't agree to that, but it sounded like Anita was going to make it happen one way or another at some point in the future. Even after dinner and relaxing the best she could at the bar, she didn't trust him. Despite all of his words and reassurances, she wouldn't just let him waltz into everything.

Much to her disappointment, though, Anita had gone back with him. (F/n) didn't care if they were dating; she didn't think that Anita should be alone with that guy even if they had been officially together for two months. In her eyes, it was a mistake, and the protective friend in her wanted to tail after them and make sure that he didn't hurt her. But, she was no sneaky spy, and she'd probably be found out and possibly lose her friend's trust. That, she didn't want at all.

So instead, she had to head home on her own and leave her friend with that guy who probably remained a jerk but had learned how to act and win her friend over again. Entering the building, she closed and locked the door behind her. At least, Anita remembered to take her key with her since she had brought it to the restaurant in her purse. Hopefully, she didn't pass it over to Kaleb or let him make a copy.

Frustrated at the whole thing, she headed into the kitchen, set down her clutch and rested her hands against the counter. She groaned out loud and hung her head as she muttered a few things to herself about how irritating it all was. Looking up, her (e/c) optics glanced over to the mannequin in the corner. It was just her and it. The mannequin didn't move; it didn't make eye contact with her. "For once, you're not the worst thing around here," she commented before she groaned again and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

Pushing herself off of the counter, she was ready to get a glass of water until she heard creaking and saw its right arm move. She didn't run off; she didn't scream. H*ll, she didn't even look the tiniest bit of fearful. No, she glared. "I really don't have time for you right now," she practically sighed out in an annoyed tone. (F/n) rubbed her temples and continued on her way to the fridge. "My mind seriously needs to take a f*cking break and let me be for a bit," she muttered as though the mannequin moving was a figment of her overworked brain.

Once she had her water, she grabbed her purse and left the kitchen, not noting that the arm really had moved. He watched her go and was smirking as well as laughing. What the h*ll had happened at that dinner? Whatever had, it obviously pissed her off a lot. No doubt, something about Anita's boyfriend didn't suit (f/n), which made him wonder just what else Anita was hiding from her friend. There had to be more.

Figuring that (f/n) was too far off in her anger, he began to walk through the kitchen. He still could hear her steady steps going up the stairs. She wasn't running, and she probably still thought that she was imagining things. Well, that worked in his favor, especially if she thought him less of a threat than this boyfriend of her friend's.

By the time he was in the entrance hall, she was up in her room. The door was wide open, but he heard another door close. Perhaps, she had gone to take a shower or bath. Oh, that would be fun. Going up the stairs, he heard water running. He looked into her room. Inside, the bathroom door was closed, and the light was on the other side of the door.

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