Remain to Shop

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Much to her relief, Anita left the room soon after and bounced off into hers. (F/n) closed her room door and sighed in annoyance at the interruption, but she smiled back to Lee. "Another time?" she asked quietly. He nodded slightly so as not to move too much and make sound with Anita back in the house. She'd probably just brush the noise off, but if the girl came bounding into the room again, it'd be a problem if she saw him moving. They were so close to bringing this whole thing to an end that he didn't want to throw caution to the wind and screw things up in the process.

"Maybe at that picnic you mentioned?" she whispered, now standing beside him. She held his left hand in her right, and he squeezed her hand a little. A smile touched her lips. "Perfect. Now, I'll-" A yawn escaped her lips and cut off her words. Slightly, he signaled towards the bed. "But, we can look at outfits if you want so that you have more than one." Lee shook his head lightly and motioned to the bed again.

"Okay," she replied before another yawn left her. "But, I think that you can stay in here for the night. Anita probably won't think anything of it." Lee nodded, and he intended to remain in the room. He enjoyed being close to her and keeping her safe, especially with Anita around. Most likely, Anita wouldn't do anything, but it eased his mind to see that (f/n) was alright.

Leaning up, she kissed him on his lips and smiled before she walked over to the bed. His eyes followed her, and he was smiling despite her not being able to view the action. He was lucky and thankful to have her. Helping her turned out to be a great choice, and he wished that he had done so sooner. If only he had learned of Anita's secret at the beginning. Then, he never would've put (f/n) through what he did. A rough sigh left him, and his shoulders nearly sagged. But when he saw (f/n) smile to him one last time before she curled up under the covers and closed her eyes, he focused on the present. Lee would make sure to watch over her for as long as he could that night.

Come morning, (f/n) woke up to a strange sound. It sounded a little like grunting. Confused, her brows furrowed in confusion as she rubbed sleep from her eyes. Sitting up on her bed, she let the covers fall down her form some and didn't process the scene in front of her for a moment. Lee was in the room, but he was ... tilted and hovering. Was she dreaming? The morning light coming in through her window, though, felt too warm, and pinching herself did nothing. So ... what was going on?

Again, she rubbed her eyes. Vision clearer, she finally noticed the arms wrapped around his waist. Then, she noticed the figure behind him: Anita. "... Anita, what are you doing?" she asked, not amused. "I could've moved him back downstairs."

"Well, you needed to wake up, and we need to get ready for service." She set down Lee for a moment, and (f/n) imagined that Lee was having a hard time not removing Anita's hands from him. "You can't dream about Tristan forever." That comment certainly woke (f/n) up from disgust. Thankfully, that jerk wasn't in her dreams. No, she had been having a peaceful one about Lee and her lying back on warm, green grass and simply enjoying the other one's company.

"... Right. Whatever," she sighed out, not even bothering to argue. She'd just get teased more, and it was too early for her to tolerate a lot of teasing. (F/n) rubbed the bridge of her nose and got out of bed. Before Anita could move him anymore, (f/n) stepped in and took him from her. "I'll move him. You just focus on the menu."

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