Review to Reward

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Reading over what content was on the friend's profile, they had a lot more to go through, an insane amount actually. It was more than even what was on Kaleb or Tristan's account. None of it was useful to them, but it was overwhelming to try and find something in the long series of posts. (F/n) didn't care that this girl got a new sequin top or that she painted her nails white with green rhinestones put on top. Lee had no interest in what smoothie she liked the most that month or that there was a sale on lingerie going on at one of the stores at the mall.

Well, actually ... His dark brown optics averted to (f/n) momentarily. She didn't seem to notice his stare, and she had scrolled past that post rather quickly. Had she been embarrassed about it? Right now, she merely seemed incredibly focused. An amused smirk touched his lips, but he forced himself not to dwell on it anymore even if he was curious as to what she might buy from there if she went. Before his mind could think on the few times he had seen what undergarments she had already, he roughly sighed and forced himself to stop again.

"Either we're wasting time, or there's something in all of this because Kaleb and Tristan were too lazy to sort through it and try to erase anything," she muttered as she rested her chin on the palm of her left hand now. "Honestly, why does she have to post so much?" she groaned out when she scrolled past a series of pictures on different bracelets she was trying on. She didn't even categorize her page as a fashion one.

Why don't I continue looking through all of this while you get ready for bed? You're looking tired, and you have to work tomorrow. Sighing, she nodded and passed the laptop to him before she got up and stretched. Her shoulders popped, and she let out a relieved sigh. When she let her arms hang down, they swung a little, and she released a yawn.

Peering back to him, she chuckled a bit and rested a hand on a hip. "Yeah, and you just get to stand there and look nice." Amused, he smiled. A note flew her way shortly after.

You don't seem to mind, though. Laughing lightly, she nodded. (F/n) looked away from him and headed for the bathroom. Her hands rested behind her head.

"Nope, I don't. You're definitely better company than Anita ever could be." Before she closed the door, she smiled back to him and winked playfully. The door shut afterwards, and he stared at it a moment longer. Kissing her really was a good decision that evening. When he averted his eyes, he read through the posts once more, a small smile on his lips.

Finished with everything, (f/n) stepped out of the bathroom a bit later. Another yawn escaped her, and she crawled under the covers before she curled up beside him again. His right fingers combed through her hair, and a peaceful smile touched her lips. Barely, she paid attention to what was on the screen as she steadily drifted off to sleep. The soothing motion of his fingers wasn't helping, and she was glad that she had his help. Otherwise, it'd take her a long time to find anything against Kaleb, and she only could stall for so long with Tristan.

Once she fell asleep, Lee grabbed one of her pillows and placed it on his side before he lifted her gently and set her head against it so that she'd be more comfortable. She adjusted herself in her sleep and wrapped her arms around the pillow. Her chest rose and fell rhythmically, and he began to comb his fingers through her hair again.

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