Receive to Wound

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Unlike the first time she had been attacked by the mannequin, Anita didn't lose her weapon. Instead, she clutched the knife firmly. Lee was ready to kill, but (f/n) stood in his way. If he had a heart, it'd be beating fast. He went to move her, but she reached up and rested her hands on his face. His head tilted downwards out of instinct. "Lee, come on." Her voice was soft, and it'd be soothing if he wasn't terrified for her life. How he wanted to tell her his worries and get her to step aside. "Please, we ..."

Her words trailed off, and her mouth parted a bit more as shock went through her body. In the moment he had looked away from Anita, she had moved. His attention went to the knife in the back of the left shoulder of (f/n). If he could scream out her name, he would. The knife was ripped out, and Anita glared at the two. "Like I'd let you walk away with that thing. You think that you can love whoever, whatever, you want while you take away the person I love." Anita chuckled and backed away from the pair. "Well, f*ck you, (f/n)! You're no good to me if you're leaving me!"

Almost, the switches in Lee went off. No doubt he was angrier than he had been when Jared betrayed him, when Jared had killed him. He wanted to rip that good-for-nothing excuse for a human to pieces, but (f/n) fell forward. Lee caught her and fell to the floor with her to support her upright and keep her from hitting the ground. Swiftly, he took off his beige jacket and pressed the fabric to her wound.

Satisfied with her work, Anita turned to bolt, but Lee reached out and grabbed her ankle. He pulled her back, and she fell. The knife that time fell from her grip and slid across the floor. Anita groaned in pain, and Lee went to set down (f/n) gently to take care of the b*tch, but (f/n) grabbed his arms weakly. "Lee, don't. Just get the phone."

Hearing that, Anita paused in her steps, but Lee set down (f/n) that time. His gaze stayed on Anita, and when she went to retrieve the knife, he picked it up instead and held it threateningly. She took a step back and glanced over the scene before her, and she decided that she'd run. Otherwise, she'd die, and she didn't want that. Somehow, she'd figure a way to get out of the mess (f/n) created. The door opened and slammed shut as she ran off for the time being. Later when staff arrived, she'd get her things, and she'd tell them a different story. Hopefully, they would believe her.

With her gone, Lee concentrated entirely on (f/n). He hurried over to the dining room. The phone hadn't fallen to the ground from Anita crashing into the table earlier. Nothing had spilled on it either. Grabbing the device, he rushed back over to (f/n). Annoyingly, his fingers didn't affect the screen, and he couldn't unlock it.

(F/n) managed to sit up, and she was clutching the jacket to her shoulder. It already was soaked with blood, and she was looking worse by the minute. He passed the phone to her, and she managed to unlock the phone and call 911. The phone rang, and someone answered. Cutting them off, (f/n) breathed out, "Help. Please. I'm bleeding badly. I was stabbed." Quickly, the person asked for her location, and it was given.

Starting to lean over, Lee caught her and knelt by her. The operator remained on the line and was reassuring her that an ambulance and officers would be there as soon as possible. Truthfully, (f/n) didn't hear the timeframe. Her vision was getting a bit blurry. There was so much blood on the jacket already. "Kitchen. Cabinet above stove. There should be a medical kit," she whispered, and Lee moved hurriedly after he made sure that she didn't fall onto the ground.

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