Nightmare to See

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


None of the star balloons remained high up in the dining room. No, they were coming towards her. Some bumped into the chairs and tables and changed their course, but that didn't remove the fact that the air was leaking out of them even though they had been fine moments before. (F/n) watched one of the balloons make its way out of the dining room and into the entrance hall. She went to flick the light switch back on, but another strike of lightning happened. It was closer, and it illuminated the dining room for a moment. Behind one of the tables, she could see a shadow that looked like a person's.

Going rigid, she heard her heart beating in her chest, and she momentarily forgot about the light switch. Instead, she simply stared into the darkness and at what she just had seen. Unless one of the parents had stayed behind, which she knew they hadn't, and was playing a cruel joke, she knew that the only person, thing, with a shadow like that was the mannequin. Anita was upstairs and in the bath, so it couldn't be her. She would've seen her coming down. Right?

Why was she even questioning that? She knew that she was right, but fear was keeping her from running up the stairs and locking herself in her friend's room. Move legs, move! Her silent command at herself wasn't working, and when another lightning strike hit, the power went out again. This time for longer. Gulping, she finally managed to take a couple of steps back, and she watched in horror as a form, the mannequin, stood up from behind the table.

Creaking followed, but she was momentarily distracted when Anita yelled from her room, "(F/n), can you get me a flashlight from the kitchen. I can't see anything really in the bathroom." (F/n), briefly, looked up the stairs and saw Anita's door opened a little bit, which meant that Anita probably couldn't see how terrified she was. "And if the power stays out like this, that might be a problem. And, in case it comes back on but this happens again."

"... Yeah, sure," she answered, her voice shaky. Anita didn't hear that, though, and already had closed the door, a faint thanks being heard by (f/n). (F/n) really wished that her friend wouldn't keep just leaving her behind, but Anita didn't know what was happening downstairs, and (f/n) wanted to kick herself in the foot for not screaming for help. Well, she still could, but when she looked back to the dining room, she saw no mannequin there. She hadn't even heard any creaking. Had Anita distracted her that much, or was she really losing it?

No, the deflating balloons were still around her. She took a couple of steps back, and she didn't really want to back herself into a corner by going into the kitchen, but she did glance towards the kitchen briefly. More lightning and thunder hit as rain continued to pour outside in the spring shower. When she looked back to the dining room, she felt her nerves increase, but the power came back on, except for the dining room.

Forcing herself to take action, she hurriedly turned on the dining room light and grabbed the closest chair, ready to bash in the head of the mannequin the moment it made its next move. Soon, her eyes, though, saw one of the windows open. Her brows furrowed. It had left? Then, why do everything else? Was it simply distraction so that she wouldn't see it leave? Confused, she didn't take a step further into the room. Instead, she set down the chair and backed up the stairs before she spun around and ran up them.

About to open her friend's door, she found that it was ... locked. What? Anita wouldn't have locked her door. Had she done so unintentionally? Even more puzzled and terrified, she knocked, well more like pounded, on the door. "Anita? Can I come in? Your door's locked!" she called out, glancing over her shoulder every now and then.

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