Home to Deceive

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Crossing her arms and leaning against the doorway, Anita smirked. (F/n) kept up her frown, and Anita remained unaware of what she had learned that evening. Part of her was tempted to ask Anita, "Why?" But, she didn't even if she wanted to hear it from her friend. It'd probably be some excuse, but at least Anita would be admitting to what she was doing. That'd lessen the impact a bit.

Pushing herself off of the wall, Anita walked over to her friend and glanced to the streaming service she had loaded up on her browser. "Practicing for another date with Tristan?" she teased as she leaned on one of the chairs and glanced over the movies on the home page. "Hmm, maybe, a steamy romance to get some ideas." Her light brown eyes met (e/c) ones and an amused glint was in them.

(F/n) rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "No." There was no hesitation, and Anita only laughed in response.

"Fine. Fine. But, what's up with the mannequin, then?" She signaled to Lee with her head. "Didn't it creep you out before?" Anita smirked. "Are you best buddies now?" No, but they were partners, and he was proving to be more honest than her supposed best friend. To lower Anita's suspicions, though, she'd have to play along to some degree.

Scooting her chair right next to Lee, she slung her arm over his shoulders and tried to act as relaxed as possible. (F/n) really hoped that Lee didn't mind. She pulled him closer and nodded. His head was on her shoulder, and his limbs continued to remain in the position they had been in when Anita walked in. It was awkward, and she appreciated him being able to keep still. A grin touched (f/n)'s lips. "Yep! Need to watch movies with someone at night since a certain friend of mine ditched me." Her tone was teasing, and (f/n) was grateful that Anita seemed to buy it.

"Very funny. I came back sooner, didn't I?" Yeah, too soon. If it had been the night before, (f/n) would've been thrilled, but she was far from that feeling now. (F/n), though, raised a brow, and Anita blew some loose strands out of her face. "Okay, okay. But, that won't be a problem anymore." Anita grinned and leaned in closer.

Before she could say anymore on her thought, (f/n) responded, "No." (F/n) didn't look amused. "I'm not watching a movie with Tristan. Even after what he did tonight, I still don't know him that well."

Huffing, Anita shook her head. "And, you won't if you don't meet him again." (F/n) really rather wouldn't. "Besides," a grin fell onto Anita's lips, and (f/n) felt her stomach perform dreadful flips, "he did talk to me after you asked him to." Well, sh*t. "And, we have another date set up."

Please, don't let it be soon. Please don't let it be soon. That thought ran through (f/n)'s head on repeat, and she didn't notice that her grip on Lee tightened a bit, but Anita didn't note that either. Lee did, though, and he would've squeezed her hand in reassurance; however, he refrained for obvious reasons. Even if he was a mile away, he'd be able to feel her disgust at the idea of going out with Tristan once more. "Guess when?" Anita asked, a grin on her lips.

"Never," (f/n) answered, her tone carrying no delight in it. It was almost monotone.

"Nope!" Anita chirped out. She stood up straight and clapped her hands together. "This Thursday." There was only one day between then and now! Almost, (f/n) gulped. "I know that Tristan is excited. You certainly left an impression on him." Yeah, (f/n) wondered why. Nearly, she brought up the topic of the picture and glared, but she held herself back at the last moment. Anita was looking away and appeared to be staring into the metaphorical sunset that was somehow the dining room wall.

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