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I woke up at 5 am today to get started. I took a warm bath and wore jeans and a white t-shirt. I walked outside to see my father planting wheat.

"Hey Jen," he said as greeted me.

"Hi, Dad. Do you need any help with that?" I ask as I put on my boots. He nods.

"Yeah. Can you plant more wheat on that side of the farm?" He asked as he pointed at the outermost part of the farm.

I nod excitedly and grabbed a handful of seeds and put them in my pockets. I ran to the other side of the field and started to dig holes with the shovel by the fence.

A few seconds pass by and I hear a dog barking. I turn around and to my surprise I see Olive, my cute li'l puppy.

"Hi, Olive!" I say in a puppy voice. Olive sits on my lap while I continue to plant wheat.

"Hey Jennie!" I hear a familiar voice call my name. I look up and see Jisoo on her bike.

She continued to pedal until she reached my farm's fence then she stopped.

"Are you busy today?" She asks as she hops off of her bike and comes to sit beside me. I shake my head.

"Nope. Just planting wheat. I'll probably feed the chickens too, that's all," I say as I pat Olive on the head.

She nods as she stood up to go to her bike.

"Leaving already?" I ask with pleading eyes. She shakes her head.

"Nope. I'm just gonna grab my book," she said as she pointed at the small, cute basket attached to her bike. She pulled out a book and sat beside me.

"What are you reading?" I ask.

She turned her head around and showed me the cover. The Last Petal Of Fall was the book title.

"It's a story about a girl who owns a magical flower. Whenever the flower loses a petal, she loses a chance of survival. She live in a troublesome world," Jisoo said as she flipped through pages.

"I wanna read!" I said as I tried to snatch the book from her hands but she swiped it away.

"No! You'll get to read it after I finish it," she said as she continued reading. I pouted and continued to plant the seeds.

Olive kept wagging his tail, which meant that he is hungry. I sigh and stand up.

"Mom! Did you feed Olive?" I yell. My mother popped her head from the barn window.

"Not yet! Can you feed him, Jen? I'm milking the cows!" She yelled back. I sigh and pat Olive.

"I'll get your food, you wait here with Jisoo, okay?" I ask and he responds with a nod. I nod back and start to jog back to the house.

Hi, I'm Jennie Kim. And this is my life. I don't live a luxurious life just like all the other girls out there, but I am happy with what I have.

I have my parents, Olive, and my friends! My friends make me feel wanted and cherished during hard times. I'm really grateful to have them.

I grab a packet of dog food from the cabinet and rush back to Olive and Jisoo.

"Hi, Jen. In a rush?" My dad asks as I pass by him.

"Yes! Talk to you later dad," I say as I rush back to Olive.

I kneel down and poured some dog food on my hands for him to eat. As Olive ate away, I notice Jisoo dozing off. I shake her aggressively but gently.

"Jisoo! Don't sleep here! Did you get any sleep last night?"

She finally snapped back to reality. "Ah yes. This book is just getting boring, the girl's enemy knows about her flower."

"Is her enemy mean to her?" I ask. Jisoo rolls hers eyes at me.

"Obviously. Jen, did you get enough sleep?" She asked as I laugh sarcastically.

"Hey, guys!" I hear two familiar voices call out.

Me, Jisoo, and Olive all look up and to my surprise, I see Rosé and Lisa rushing to us.

"What's up?" Lisa asks as she reached my farm's fence, followed by Rosé.

"Nothing much. Just reading a book," Jisoo responds.

I didn't answer as it was obvious I was feeding Olive. I hear Lisa sigh and she walked towards me and sits down beside me.

"Are you in a bad mood, Jennie?" She asks as she lifts my face with her finger.

I suddenly get all red and embarrassed. Jisoo and Rose went all fan girl mode and started to squeal.

"Eek! So cute!" Rose exclaims.

I turn to the other side as Lisa removes her hand from my face.

These girls, I thought as I sighed.

"You know. You both describe the characters in this book. Jennie would be the main character who is shy and kind-hearted. While Lisa would be her enemy who is flirty and is secretly in love with the main character," Jisoo said as she showed Rosé the book.

"Enemy? In love? Since when?" Lisa jokes around as we all laughed.

Except, I faked my laugh. I didn't want Lisa to be my enemy.

"Awe, don't worry, Jen. I'm just kidding," Jisoo said as she noticed my sad expression.

"I won't be surprised if you both secretly like each other," Rosé said as she clapped her hands.

Olive barked at me which caused me to turn red even more. "Olive, no," I whispered into his ear which caused him to bark more.

"Oh, what a naughty boy," Lisa said as she carried Olive into her arms.

I sigh and continue to make small chat with the girls. I completely forgot I was planting wheat and continued to plant the seeds while they all talk. Then I thought... Do I like Lisa?

SHE'S THE CITY GIRL | JENLISA ✓Where stories live. Discover now