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I woke up in excitement.

I didn't really expect to be in a good mood right when I wake up since of course I still have to decide if I wanna go to the city with my parents after all.

But I brush that thought out of my mind and rush downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hi, Jennie," my mom greets me.

"Hello. What's for breakfast?" I ask.

My mom gives me a bowl filled with eggs and rice. "Here. Sorry this isn't much," she said.

I nod and gave her a smile. "It's okay mom," I say.

I walk outside and sit on a pile of wood as I watch the sun rise as I ate.

Bark, bark!

I turn around and see Olive all hyped up and chasing towards me.

"Hey!" I said as he reached me and sat on my lap. "Just woke up?"

Olive barks at me and takes a look at my bowl.

"Ep, ep, ep! You cannot eat this! I'll give you your food later," I say as I push his mouth away from my food.


I thought my phone was ringing but it didn't sound like a phone ringtone.

I look to my right and see Rose out on the other fence on her bike. "Hey, Jennie!" She waves her hands.

I wave back and shout. "What brings you here?"

"I got dried mangoes!" She yells back.

I quickly jump and rush to the fence to let Rose inside.

"Ooh, la, la. Dried mangoes!" I crave as I let her inside.

"My mom got them from the market. They were on sale today!" Rose cheers as she gives me a piece.

I quickly munch on the dried mango and smile in delight.

Dried mangoes taste amazing!

"Delicious, right?" She asks.

I nod and look down at Olive who was barking at us. "I'll get you your food later," I say, calming him down.

I chuckle and look at Rose's bike. It also has a basket like Jisoo's.

"Where do you get these baskets for your bike?" I ask.

Rose quickly licks her fingers filled with mango. "My dad found an old basket filled with jars in them so I took the basket for myself and attached it to my bike."


"Oh, hey. Can I have a jar?" I ask.

Rose nods. "Sure, but what do you need it for?" She asks as she spins around in her place.

"I need a jar to put my dandelions in," I say truthfully.

"Ooh! They grew?" Rose asks, jumping up and down.

"Yeah. Just yesterday. Come have a look!" I said as I lead her to the other side of the farm where the dandelions are.

"Beautiful," she mumbles.

I nod. "Exactly. They shine so bright and gives a calming aura. Perfect for meditation," I said, looking at the tallest dandelion out of the five.

"Are you gonna bring them to the city?" Rose ask.

I pout and crossed my arms. "I haven't decided if I'm going yet! Do you want me gone so bad?" I ask jokingly.

Rose laughs at me and shakes her head, "No I don't want you gone! It's just that me and the girls already know you're going with your family. There's no way you'd miss the opportunity to go to the city," she said.

I sigh and sit down beside the dandelions, along with Olive.

Rose sits beside me too, this time with a sad expression.

"Look, Jennie, we'll miss you a lot if you go to the city. But we'll be happy for you! You might have a shot of living a city girl life. Besides, who wants to spend their whole life on a farm feeding chickens and pigs?" She asks.

"I love the province a lot, but even I wouldn't want to spend my whole life here. I would also want to go to the city to explore. And me wanting to go to the city says something," she said as she gave me another dried mango.

"I just don't want to leave you guys," I said, getting teary eyed.

"You won't leave us! Think of it as a... vacation!" She said as she munched on a dried mango.

"Vacation? To the city? For what, years?" I ask, jokingly.

Rose gave me a playful punch. "Hey. Don't think much about the negative," she said.


We both jump from surprise as the ringing continues. And this time I'm 100% sure it's a phone. Rose pockets her phone out of her pants.

"Hello?" She answers the call. "Oh, okay! I'll be there," she said before she hanged up.

I look at her confused.

"I have to go back home, Jen. My mom found a giant rat in the attic and needs me to remove it," she said as she made a disgusted expression.

I laugh as I nod. "Okay then. I'll see you later I guess," I said as I walk her towards the fence.

"Bye bye, Jennie! Bye, Olive!" She said as she kneels down to give Olive a high five.

So adorable.

She waved me goodbye for the last time as she biked away.

Rose made a point back there. I should at least try to live in the city. But I will surely miss the province. And especially my best friends.

I wave Rose goodbye and walk back into the house, followed by Olive. I reach for the cabinet where we keep Olive's food and grab a handful to give to Olive.

I kneel down and reach my palm out that is filled with dog treats. I whistle for Olive and and he comes barking at me again. But this time, I give him his food.

I chuckle and pat him on the head.

I will miss this place a lot. And I hope Olive can come with us into the city.

SHE'S THE CITY GIRL | JENLISA ✓Where stories live. Discover now