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Chapter Nine: Donuts

"Let's go!"

As we enter the shopping center, Seulgi and Lia immediately rushes in, leaving me behind.

"I need a new perfume bottle," Lia said, running after Seulgi.

I just smile, trailing behind them. I didn't have any energy to run, and I didn't need anything from the shopping center so I'm alright.

"I'll just buy some food, I'll catch up with you guys later," I said, getting a nod from Seulgi.

I turn left and walk into the busy hall. Little girls are running around, teenagers taking selfies and parents holding shopping bags. It didn't look like the environment I grew up in.

Oh well.

I walk into the hall and I'm immediately greeted by a beautiful donut store.

It was pink and yellow, and pictures of donuts were plastered on the walls.

I smile, entering the small yet classy store.

The air smelled like caramel and chocolate! Amazing. It was quiet and calming, just the way I like it.

I walk to the counter, waving a hello to the lady standing behind it.

"Hello! Welcome to Donuts4Days! What would you like?" She asked in a simple, yet elegant British accent.

"Hi. I would like a caramel donut," I say.

She nods. "Caramel donut it is. Please wait there," she said, pointing to the other counter.

I nod, walking to the side, making way for other customers.

"Hello!" Another female said, assisting the next customer. "Welcome to Donut4Days! What would you like?"

"I'd take a strawberry donut with sprinkles on the side," the female customer said.

Her voice sounded so beautiful, I turn around to take a look at her.

She has short black hair, with blonde insides. She had a denim jacket on, along with her denim jeans. She wore a white t-shirt and black leather boots.

She looked like Lisa.


She is Lisa!

"Lisa?!" I exclaim, catching everyone's attention.

"Hm?" The female mumbles, turning her attention to me. "Oh my—"

She starred at me with happiness, spreading her arms wide.

I smile, walking towards her and pulling her into a hug.

"Jennie!" She exclaims.

"Lisa!" I cry.

I can't believe it. After 2 years I finally meet my best friend again. My bestest best friend!

Okay maybe that's not a word— but still! Words cannot express the happiness I am feeling right now.

"I never knew you came to the city!" I said, pulling away from the hug.

"Well, I did," she said with a shrug.

I smile. I miss her voice, her touch and her smile.

"I missed you," I say.

She smiles at me before speaking, "I missed you too."

"Ma'am, here is your caramel donut," the same lady who greeted me said, handing me a paper bag.

I nod and take the small, pink paper bag from her.

"Rose and Jisoo are here at the city too!" Lisa mentioned.

My eyes widen, my jaw drops. "Really?!"

Lisa smiles at my enthusiasm and nods. "Would you like to see them? We're planning to meet at the food court later."

"Oh my gosh. Yes, please!" I smile.

"Okay then. Meet us at the food court at lunch time," she said, taking her strawberry donut from the lady behind the counter.

She waved me goodbye before leaving the store.

I jump up and down before squealing. I'm so happy! My best friends are in the city, and I can finally meet them!

I smile, walking towards the store door. I have to tell Seulgi and Lia about this!


Seulgi looked at me with confusion in her eyes.

Lia is not even paying attention at all, she's just typing something in her phone.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I mean- who is Lalisa Manoban?" Seulgi asked.

My jaw drops. I forgot! I forgot to tell them about who Lisa, Rose and Jisoo were.

Oh my gosh I'm so dumb.

"Oh my gosh. I forgot to tell you both!" I cry.

Lia sighs, closing her phone. "She forgot to tell us about her friends from the province," she said, facing Seulgi.

"Huh? How'd you know?" I ask.

Lia smiles at me sassily. "I used facebook to track down a user with Lalisa Manoban as her username. Then I saw her account and her first post was captioned 'Just arrived at the city from the province.'"

"Whoa, you're good," Seulgi said.

I nod. "Right! And my other friends Rose and Jisoo will be there too!" I say.

"Well, that's good news!" Seulgi said after a second of hesitation.

Maybe this was too much for her? Like she took in a lot? I mean, I never told them about my friends from the province— not that I didn't want to! It was because I forgot, and when I did remember it just didn't seem relevant at the time.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," I say, pulling them both into a hug.

Man, I'm giving a lot of hugs today.

"It's okay. I would've done the same," Lia whispers into my ear.

I give a soft giggle before releasing them from my tight hug.

"Well what time will you both meet at the food court?" Seulgi asks.

"Lunch time."

Lia nods, opening her phone again. "Well we have about an hour before lunch time, so I suggest let's go look at the craft store!"

"Craft store?" Seulgi asks.

"Mhm. I'm learning how to make crafts. You know; my mother's birthday is coming soon. I'm planning on gifting her something handmade," Lia said.

"Wow. Genius," Seulgi said with a tone of sarcasm.

"Let's go. The craft store is down the hall, beside the bookstore!" Lia said, taking both mine and Seulgi's hand before she dragged us down the mall.

Well, what can I say?

It's the city life.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter! And thank you for all the reads! Make sure to vote and comment to boost the book. Lots of love!

SHE'S THE CITY GIRL | JENLISA ✓Where stories live. Discover now