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Chapter Thirteen: Her And Hers

As we arrived at the bookstore, I couldn't help but cheer in delight.

The fresh smell of brand new books welcomed the both of us and I couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

I missed libraries.

"Whoa! Amazing," Lisa mumbles under her breath.

I nod, dragging her to a bookshelf which showcased romance books.

"Whoa. Popular books are displayed here. Romance category," I said.

Lisa takes a book from the shelf. "This one's called Her Eyes," she said.

I hum and look at another book titled The Girl Named L.

I suddenly feel my cheeks turning red and I face Lisa whose face also turned bright red.

"Uh..." I mumble. "Pretty warm in here, yeah?" I giggle, trying to make an excuse for the both of us.

Lisa nods and puts the book back on the shelf before taking my hand and taking me to the corner of the bookstore where a bright yellow bean bag sits in the center.

She sits down and makes room for me. "Sit," she said.

I nod and sit beside her, confused on what's going on.

"Jennie," she started. "I have something to say."

I nod and feel my hands and feet shaking. Adrenaline rushes throughout my body and I shake the thought of running away out of my head.

"I... I like someone," she said.

Suddenly my hands and feet aren't shaking anymore. And my heart dropped. Like- dropped.

"And, I don't know if they like me back," she said.

I took a breath in and shake my head. "No- yeah. Um, who is this person?" I ask in my shaky voice.

"You know them pretty well, though I need advice," she said.

"Advice?" I ask. "I have no experience whatsoever," I admitted, rolling my eyes jokingly.

"It's okay. I just want an idea on what to tell them," she said.

"You'll be confessing?" I ask in shock.

Lisa nods and smiles at me sincerely

Gosh. She is such an angel. I shouldn't be envious of whoever she likes- that makes me the bad guy! Right?

"Uh, that's brave of you. What're they like?"

Lisa clears her throat like she's about to tell me a long story. "They have pretty eyes, an angelic smile. Their voice makes my worries go away and their simple presence makes me feel complete," she said.

"Sounds like a nice person," I said.

"They are. But fate drifted us away from each other and I haven't seen them in years!" She said.

I suddenly felt bad and awful. How can I be jealous? I felt the same. It's been a while since I saw the so-called love of my life- well now turns out she likes someone else.

"How do I tell them?" She asks.

"Just be straight put," I say. "Tell them everything yet in a shorter way."

"Can I... rehearse with you?" She asks.

I nod and smile.

I'd do anything for Lisa! She's my best friend after all. If she'd like to rehearse her confession with me for her crush then that's fine. Then maybe I can pretend her words are for me and not for someone else.

"Um, hi," she took a deep breath. "It's been a while. I just wanna be straight put with this. I like you."

I suddenly feel my face turning pink due to her words. I stop myself from running away and focus on what Lisa has to say.

Suddenly, her voice doesn't turn shaky anymore. It's more genuine and honest. "I really like you. And I hope you feel the same. Fate may have played with me when I first caught feelings for you since I didn't admit it."

"But turns out it was so much more. I can't see myself without you and only you. You're smile is beautiful, it matches your eyes. Your voice sounds so warm and welcoming, and your presence makes me feel complete," she said.

I felt like crying on the spot. It's like her words were actually meant for me!

"And maybe one day, we can be together. I like you, I really do. You're my beautiful dandelion."

My eyes suddenly widen and Lisa's smile grew wider. She held my hands and I held hers.

"What? Wait, did I hear that right?" I suddenly feel like the world is slowly stopping.

"My beautiful dandelion," she repeated her words.

I look around and back at her. Is she talking to someone else? What's going on? Am I dreaming? No way.

"A dandelion. It is a sign that I'll forever be with you," she said.

Her words felt so sincere. But I still wasn't sure.

"J-just to make this clear," I can't help but stutter. "Who are you referring to?"

She giggles and smiles. "You, silly!"

My eyes shot even wider and my face flushes pink. And my eyes start to water, my heart beats faster than usual.

"I- uhm, I like you too!" I exclaim, tears dropping down my face.

Lisa's eyes widen and she giggles. She smiles at me and wipes my tears away.

"I always did ever since we were at the province. And I couldn't believe it at first but soon enough I admitted it," I said with my raspy voice.

"Me too," she whispered as she pulled me into a hug. "I won't ever leave you, and I won't ever let you leave again."

I giggled at her touching words.

I guess this is it. Right? I never thought it would come to the point where we both felt the same.

And right now I couldn't ask for an even better moment. Times like this is unbelievable, yet so majestical.

I love Lisa a lot! From her kind words, to her thoughtfulness and to her beautiful smile. And I feel so lucky that she feels the same.

I guess the dandelion was right. It was a sign that we'll be with each other forever. Because at this very moment, I don't understand the word forever yet. But I'm sure I'll learn.

Because of her.

Thank you so much for reading Dandelion! The book has now ended and I can never be more grateful for all the reads and votes. Thank you so so much. Make sure to follow me for more books like these. If you have ang suggestions don't hesitate to give me a message.

Miyuki, signing off.

SHE'S THE CITY GIRL | JENLISA ✓Where stories live. Discover now