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"Jennie!" Seulgi shouts as she runs towards me, followed by Lia.

I wave towards them and close my house door. I lock it with my keys and put my keys in my bag before running down the patio and into the street.

My parents are at work— I mean, what's new?

"Seulgi! Lia!" I exclaim as they reach me and give me hugs.

"I can't believe school finally ended!" Lia said, unwrapping a piece of candy and popping it into her mouth.

Seulgi nods. "Am I right?! School is so boring," she said.

I smile and check the time. It's 7:00 AM and the sun just got up.

"So where are we going today?" Seulgi asks.

"I'm thinking maybe the movies," Lia said, looking at my direction.

I smile and nod. "Sure. What movie should we check out?" I ask.

"I heard that The Last Petal Of Fall has its own movie now!" Lia said, opening her phone and tapping on the glass screen repeatedly.

The Last Petal Of Fall? It sounds familiar.

"Ooh yes! My sister has the book version, she said it's such an amazing story!" Seulgi added.

Lia nods and shows me her phone screen. She smiles and takes her phone back into her handbag. "Let's watch it?"

Seulgi nods and gives me the look.

I smile sheepishly and give her back the look.

Lia looks at us all confused. "Hold up, am I missing out on something here?" She asks.

"How are we gonna get to the movies?" I ask, smirking.

"What— oh, OH! No! I am not driving you both there. Last time I did, you both totally thrashed my car," Lia said, giving us a joking eye roll.

Seulgi rolls her eyes. "Lia, please!" She begs.

Lia shakes her head. "Nope, I won't give in. I got grounded last time," she said.

I sigh and hold Seulgi's hand. I take off and so does Seulgi.

"Hey— what?! No!" Lia exclaims as soon as she sees us running towards her house.

"If you damage my car again I will end you both— Seulgi! Stop trying to open the car door! You don't have the keys!"

I give a laugh. I look at Seulgi who was attempting to open Lia's car door by force and look at Lia who tries to back away Seulgi from her car.

Oh, only heaven knows why I'm friends with these two.

"Jennie. help me!" Lia exclaims as she throws me her car key. "Seulgi, stop trying to open it!"

I smile and open the car by pressing the button on the car key.

"There," I said.

"Oh my gosh. Seulgi, I swear," Lia said, opening the drivers door.

"Sorry," Seulgi said sheepishly, giving a short laugh after.

I smile and hop into the back of the car, Seulgi does too at the front seat.

"Let's go?" Lia announces.

"Let's go!" Me and Seulgi said in union.

We arrived at the cinema. I got off the car and raced Seulgi and Lia to the front.

We enter the cinema and the cold and fresh air welcomes us. The smell of fresh popcorn greets us as well as the chatter of the people inside.

"Eek! I'm so excited!" Lia squeals, jumping up and down.

I smile and look around for the tickets area. I spot it after looking for a while and point towards it.

"I'll get the tickets, you two can buy some popcorn," I said.

Seulgi nods, "Let's go, Lia!" She said as she took Lia's hand and walked her over to the food station.

I walk my way and greet the lady behind the counter. "Hi, ma'am," I said.

"Hello! What movie would you like to watch?" She asks.

"The Last Petal Of Fall, please," I say.

She nods and quickly types in some keywords into her computer. She prints out three sheets of paper and gives them to me. "Here are your tickets, ma'am."

I nod and take them, giving her the money in return. She gives me my change and I head on over my way to the food station.

I look around to search for Lia and Seulgi but I see them nowhere.

Gosh, they were hiding from me, weren't they?

I look around and into the hall, eyeing every single person I walk pass by.

"Rosé, stop!"

I turn around in the familiar voice and name and spot no one. Was I hallucinating?


Gah! I jumped up in surprise and see Seulgi laughing on the floor, while Lia giggles from behind a trashcan.

"Oh my gosh. Don't scare me like that!" I murmur, kicking Seulgi playfully.

"Pfft— yeah. But you should've seen your face!" She gasps from laughter.

"Lia, come out from behind that trashcan!" I exclaim as I see her strands of brown hair poke out from behind.

"Fine. Whatever," she mumbles as she stood up, quietly picking up the popcorn from behind the trashcan.

Ew. Looks like I won't be eating those.

We finally convinced Seulgi to get herself together and we walk into the theater and sit ourselves near the center. We enjoyed the movie and continued to talk to each other.


That name. And that familiar voice... it's too familiar for me to ignore.

Could it be...?

SHE'S THE CITY GIRL | JENLISA ✓Where stories live. Discover now