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It is now lunch time and over the past hour I've decided I'll go to the city with my parents.

It'll be exciting to be in a new environment. Plus— I'll come back after a few months! Right?

I sigh and close the notebook I was doodling in. I stand up and look out into my bedroom window.

The beautiful breeze makes the leaves on the tree swing and the grass dance.

I suddenly feel a hint of joy and dance along with the wind.

I hear barking from a distance and see Olive walk into my room.

"Hey, boy," I said as I kneel down to pet him.

I seriously hope Olive can come with us to the city. I'll be disappointed otherwise.

"Jennie!" I hear my mom call my name.

Looks like I'll break the news to them now.

I stand up and walk out of my room and into the dining room.

"I've made your favorite!" She said as she pointed towards the bowl of salmon soup.

"What? My favorite! Thanks mom!" I said in excitement as I sit down in my usual seat.

My dad enters the house with a handful of hay. "I'm experimenting something," he said as he saw our doubtful looks.

He laughs and put the hay down on the floor and runs to the kitchen to wash his hands.

I smile and scoop a few spoonfuls of rice into my plate. Yum.

My dad returns and sits beside me. "Yes! Salmon!" He exclaims.

I gave a faithful smile and face my parents. "Dad, mom. I've decided I'll go to the city with you," I said with no hesitation.

"Oh, that's great, sweetie!" My mom exclaims as she puts a hand on mine. "I'm so grateful you thought this through."

"But we'll return in a few months, right?" I ask in a matter-of-likely way.

My mom nods. "We'll see. If the city doesn't fit us we can always return back," she said.

My dad nods along. "In the meantime, we'll ask the Parks to look after the farm and animals. Then we'll contact them on what to do next," he said.

And by the Parks, he meant Rose and her family.

I nod and smile. Things are finally going well for once.

My mom gave me and my dad a wide smile. "Oh, I am so excited! In a matter of days we'll be in the city, looking through glamorous shops and eating fancy food!" She said.

I nod, the thought of food excites me.

"Mhm. I even heard there's a new model of cars. Maybe we'll get one," my dad said as he puts on a smirk on his face.

Fancy food? A car? Oh, the thought of the city life isn't so bad after all.

"And imagine all the new people we'll meet. And maybe we can find a school for Jen if we're willing to stay," my mom added.

SHE'S THE CITY GIRL | JENLISA ✓Where stories live. Discover now