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The girls and I all agreed to meet by the river later after lunch. We all waved each other goodbye. I walk back to the house, Olive tagging along behind me.

"Jen, can you put the rice on the plates?" My mom said as she handed me a bowl of rice as I entered the house.

I took the rice and headed to the table, adding rice to each of their plates one by one.

"Jen, does your phone still work?" My mom asked as she put some vegetables on the plates.

I nod, pulling out my nokia from my pocket.

"Do you want a latest model phone?" She ask which made my jaw drop.

"What?! Mom, they're too expensive. This one is working perfectly fine," I said as I put my phone back in my pocket. My mom sighs.

"It's just that... you're sixteen already and you've still got that old phone," she said.

I put down the bowl and spoon and look at her. "Mom, I'm fine. I know that I'm not living like other girls who go shopping for new shoes everyday, but I am content with what I have," I said as I continue to put rice on the plates.

"Are you sure?" She asks hesitantly.

I nod. "I'm sure."

As me and my mom sat down to eat, my father enters and sits beside us.

"I have good news for you both," he began.

Me and my mom paid attention to what he was about to say.

"I just got offered a job at the city!" He said proudly. Me and my mom shared shocked faces before we gave my dad a hug.

"That's great!" My mom exclaimed.

I nod. "That's amazing news dad."

He smiled as he showed us his phone screen. "They said I can start in four days!" He said as he made his fingers do the 4 sign.

"Four days? So you'll leave us here at the farm?" I ask, adding tension at the atmosphere.

My dad shakes his head. "I can't leave you, and I won't leave you," he said.

"What? No. Take the job," my mom said, placing her hand on my father's arm.

My dad gave us both a smile. "Because the person that offered me the job said I can bring my family along to do the city. He'll pay for our apartment bills and food and everything!"

My mom jumped in excitement and happiness. "What?! That's amazing. Wow... I can't believe it."

I smile but my smile faded not long.

"What's wrong, Jen?" My father asked, noticing my sad expression.

"It's just that... I don't wanna leave my friends," I said as I look out the window, into the trees.

My mother sighed and cleared her throat. "But Jennie, you can live like other girls. You can go shopping or whatever they call it. You can go to school and no longer be homeschooled," she said. "Don't you want that?"

I look down and silently sigh. That's not the life I want, I thought.

"You can think about it, Jen. And whatever your decision may be, we'll figure out a way to make it happen," my dad said as he gave me a wholesome smile.

"But for now, let's eat."

After lunch, I rode my bicycle to the river. I told mom to take care of Olive while I am gone. As I arrived at the river, all 3 of my best friends are already there.

"Hi, Jennie! You're late," Rose said as she gave me a pout. I roll my eyes jokingly.

"I'm not. You guys are just early," I said as I walk towards them.

Lisa and Jisoo were in the river, splashing each other with water.

The river's currents and waves were light and smooth, so playing at the water would be harmless.

Rosé was sitting at the edge of the dry land, reading a book.

"Hey! Why are you reading that? Jisoo promised to give it to me after she finishes," I exclaimed as I point at the book Rosé was reading.

"I did. But I'm not done finishing it yet," Jisoo said as she splashed me and Rose a bit of water.

"Wow. Favoritism," I said as I roll my eyes jokingly.

I sit beside Rosé, watching Jisoo and Lisa have a water fight while animals of all kinds pass by us.

"Hey look! A yellow bird!" Lisa said as she pointed at the tree that was providing shade for me.

I look up and see the pretty yellow bird fly away.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Lisa asks, looking at the bird as the bird fly from one tree to another.

I watch the bird fly and it fled onto Lisa's shoulder.

"Ah! Jisoo stop splashing me. The bird is on my shoulder!" She squealed softly.

"Whoa! Beautiful!" Rosé said as she pulled out her notebook and pencil from her big handbag and start to sketch. "Stand still!"

Jisoo clapped her hands. "It loves you!" She said as she pointed at the yellow bird that was sitting on Lisa's shoulders.

"It does," Lisa said, trying to avoid scaring the bird by her movements.

I stare at the bird longly, admiring it's beautiful wings. As I stare at it's long beak, I caught a glimpse of Lisa's most beautiful smile.

The smile so pure that would make all the world's problems go away. I love it.

"Jennie! Isn't it beautiful?" Lisa asked me, referring to the bird.

I was no longer paying attention to the bird, I was looking at Lisa's beautiful smile. But no one could tell since the bird was so close to Lisa. No one could've pinpointed that I stared at her instead.

"Yeah. It is," I said, looking into her beautiful hazel brown eyes.

The bird flapped its wings until it flew away.

"Bye bye, birdie!" Lisa said as she waved her arms goodbye.

Rose tapped her pencil and showed me her sketch. "Done!"

"Whoa! Beautiful!" I said as I look at the way she made Lisa's hair flow along the bird's body.

She is truly beautiful.

SHE'S THE CITY GIRL | JENLISA ✓Where stories live. Discover now