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Chapter Ten: Conversations

It's currently lunch time and I am waiting for Lisa, Rose and Jisoo by the food court.

I sat down alone in a large, rectangular table, humming along to my favorite song; Strawberries & Cigarettes.

I look around and spot a group of small girls talking to each other by another table.

They were passing around friendship bracelets and keychains. I even hear one say 'Happy birthday' to another.

I wonder where these kids' parents are.


I turn around and see Lisa smiling at me.

"Jennie?!" Rose gasps as she sees me.

"Oh my gosh! It's really you!" Jisoo exclaims as she sees me.

I smile and give them a wave. Rose jumped up and down before pulling me into a hug.

"Oh I missed you, Jen! I thought I'd never see you again!" She exclaims.

"I missed you too," I said.

She released me from the hug and sat beside me. "Tell me everything I missed out on!"

Jisoo chuckles as she and Lisa sat across us. "Same ol' Rose," she said.

"Well when I first arrived here things were quite a blur. I didn't know any brands and fancy manners, so I was pretty much an outcast. But after a month or so I fit in perfectly. I go to an expensive academy and just live my life normally," I said. "Just like how my mom wanted me to."

"Oh that's awesome. When we arrived here we were outcasts too," Jisoo said, pulling her hair to one side.

"Couldn't agree more," Lisa said. "To make matters worse, our parents kept forcing us to socialize."

Our parents? Did they all arrive here together- and lived together? Did I miss out on that much?

"What's with the sad face, Jennie?" Rose asked, making all of their eyes land on me.

"It seemed like you all had fun with each other..." I said in a low voice.

"Oh Jennie," Jisoo said, giving me her comforting mom look.

"It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it now. We can just order food and talk about other things," Rose said, suddenly feeling bad.

"Okay. That's fine with me," I said, standing up, they follow after me around the food court, ordering all sorts of food.

When we arrived back our whole table was filled with goods.

Well, let's eat then!

As we all munched down our food, we talked about our school life and all the things we like.

I missed these three. They've been my best friends since childhood and I spent most of my days with them.

I miss their smiles, laughters and jokes. I'll forever cherish this moment. The moment I met them again.

SHE'S THE CITY GIRL | JENLISA ✓Where stories live. Discover now