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As the bird left, they all continued on what they were doing. I continue to watch Rosé draw.

"Hey, Jennie," she said as she faced me.

"Hm?" I ask.

"You look down right now. What happened? You were perfectly fine earlier this morning," she said as she continued to sketch.

I look the other way, admiring the butterflies on the flowers.

"Yeah. I agree with Rosé. You look sad about something," Jisoo said as she stopped splashing Lisa with water.

Lisa looked at me like she is examining my expression. "Agreed."

I gave a fake smile. "It's nothing. Just tired."

"You're never tired," Jisoo said, walking towards land, followed by Lisa.

"Spill it," Rosé said as she kept her notebook and pencil away, paying her attention towards me. I sigh and cross my legs together.

"My dad is planning to move to the city in four days," I said.

"What? That's amazing! But what happens to you and your mother?" Lisa asks. I shake my head.

"I don't know... We might move to the city with my dad," I said, causing the 3 of them to loudly gasp.

"No!" Jisoo exclaimed, forming a pout.

"Oh come on, guys. I've been far away from you all before and I've returned!" I said.

Rose rolls her eyes. "Yeah. You went to the market to buy vegetables. Jennie, the market was ten minutes away!"

I sigh, then they all sighed back.

"Please don't move," Lisa said, sitting beside me.

I look down at the dirt. "I don't want to either."

Jisoo grabbed her book from Rose's lap. "Here, you can read this now. Who knows what will happen," she said, giving me her book.

I smile. "Thank you."

The Last Petal Of Fall, what a beautiful title.

After a moment of silence, a ringing noise can be heard.

"Oh, that's my phone," I said, fishing out my phone from my pocket and answering the call.


"Jennie, it's time to feed the pigs!" My mom's voice can be heard from the other line.

"Ha ha, alright. I'll be right there!" I said as I hang up. I look up to my 3 best friends and gave them a wide smile.

"Even if I move, I'll always come back for you all," I said as I stand up, wiping my clothes and walking away.

As I reached home, my mom was waiting by the fence with a smile. "How was the girls?"

I smile.

"They're doing just fine," I reply.

My mom nods. "Look, Jen. I've decided that we should go with your father," she said, making me suddenly lose interest.

"Mom, we still have four days to decide," I said as I hopped over the fence.

She gave a huge sigh.

"Jennie, this is for the better. We can't just live at a farm forever!" She said, raising her tone at me.

"No, mom! I thought I can decide, too! I don't want to leave the life I have back here," I said, stretching my arms wide to indicate the whole farm. "I actually like it here." I said, emphasizing the I.

She looked around. I know she knows I'm right.

"Fine. I'll give you two days. So the other day we can pack," she said, walking off into the distance.

I sigh and whistle for Olive. I see him bark from the distance and run towards me.

"Hi, boy," I said in a sad tone.

I'm sure Olive could feel how I felt because he suddenly stopped barking and looked at me all confused.

"Do you want to go to the city, Olive?" I ask.

Olive barks and I hear a laugh from a distance.

"Oh, Jen. You do love Olive a lot, huh." I see my dad from the other side of the farm, watering from what looked like my favorite flowers.

"Oh my gosh! Are those the dandelions?" I ask, running towards my dad, followed by Olive.

"Yeah!" My dad gave a chuckle. "They finally grew in time for season!"

I smile, looking down at the pretty dandelions.

"Dad... They're not a lot like last year. Why are there only five?" I ask. My dad gave a huge sigh.

"I'm sorry Jen. The seeds I had were out of date, I found it at my tool box. And only a few of them grew," he said, putting down the watering can.

I sit beside the dandelions. "It's okay," I said, admiring the dandelion's beauty.

I've always admired dandelions. The way their color shine during the day and their beautiful presence during the night.

Dandelions symbolizes the sun and hopefulness. They can help anyone with struggles emotionally because they give a peaceful and calm aura. It helps me calm down when I'm nervous.

And right now, I was beyond nervous. I didn't wanna leave my friends and the home I live at now.

I know the city is nice and all. But I have lived here at the province for all my life. I couldn't just leave it because of force.

But I know my mom was just looking out for me earlier. But I know I should get to choose as well. I'm no one's robot.

"Have you thought about it?" My dad asks.

"Not really. I know the city is beautiful but I wanna stay," I said, patting Olive's head.nMy dad chuckles.

"I meant about the flowers. What will we do when we leave? We can't just leave them to die," he said, sitting beside me.

"Oh, well..." My eyes lit up. "Can I give one to my friend?" I ask.

"Why, sure! And I guess we'll just take the rest to the city by putting it in a jar with soil." I smile.

"Thanks, dad!" I said, standing up. "I'll get a jar right now!"

I run back to the house to get a jar, until I hear a voice.

"You still haven't fed the pigs, Kim Jennie!"

SHE'S THE CITY GIRL | JENLISA ✓Where stories live. Discover now