Chapter 1

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I stood in front of my full body mirror looking at myself for a minute. I smile and notice how yellow my teeth have gotten and think about whitening them. I decide to do just that and head to my bathroom, I search through 2 drawers under the sink and realize they're nowhere to be found. I let out a sigh and place my hands on my hips taking a step back to get a clearer view. I start to check the cabinet under the sink and to my luck I find them. I open the plastic covering and take the clear film out that holds the 2 strips. I place both on my teeth and throw the trash out. I set my timer to 30 minutes and I walk back to my room. 

Now I have to find an outfit for tonight. I search through my dresser looking for a shirt to wear. I pick out a light pink crop top and blue-washed jean shorts. Then I realize I need a bra. 

That would be useful. 

I shake my head at myself and start to look through the drawer. 

Should I wear a bralette? But I wear that all the time. What about a push-up? But they're uncomfortable.

I decided on the white bralette I got from Hollister 2 years ago. I'm just happy I didn't lose it or damage it too bad because then I would have to buy a new one. I set the outfit on my bed and head to the hallway of my overpriced apartment. I open the hallway closet and grab a towel, I walk to my bathroom and place the towel on the side of the sink letting out a sigh. I turn the water on and quickly undress. I hop into the shower then apply my shampoo. I lather that in and then rinse it out slowly feeling clean. I finish my shower smelling like fresh pineapples and wrap the towel around my body. I take the strips off after hearing my timer go off as I was getting out of the shower.

I brush my teeth and wash my face, making sure any remaining old makeup and whitener are off. I walk back to my room and apply pineapple lotion. I make sure there are no streak marks and make sure to not miss my knees. I put the outfit on and walk to my mirror making sure the outfit I put together looks good. I smile and notice how bright my teeth are. After admiring myself, I head to my little vanity and begin to do my makeup and hair. I blow-dried my hair and straightened it. I prefer having my hair straightened rather than curled because my hair is naturally wavy and it tasks less time. 

I apply my everyday makeup since I know I won't sweat everything off. To spice it up a bit, I added a little eyeshadow to make my eyes stand out. Once I finished, I set my makeup and put my rings, necklace, and earrings on. I walk over to my dresser and put on perfume and of course, it smells like pineapples. I put deodorant on and put a little extra knowing how much I'm going to sweat. I walk to the mirror check myself out one last time and make sure I look good. I head out of my room and over to my small kitchen, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. I chug the whole thing knowing I'm going to thank myself later for it.

I walk back to my room and get my phone off of the charger. I check the time 5:56 PM. I decided that it would be a nice time to leave and head to the concert. I walk to my nightstand and get the tickets that I've been holding for 3 weeks. I grab my white Nike's and place them on my feet with a pair of white ankle socks. I grab my keys, wallet, and a granola bar from the kitchen and I walk out making sure to lock the door. I put the tickets in my wallet and walk with my phone in my hand refreshing my Twitter making sure the band playing isn't giving any more information about the concert. I walk out of the complex and to my car. I get in and immediately plug my phone in. I want as much battery as I can get so it doesn't die in the middle of the concert. I turn on the car hearing my phone make a sound indicating that it's charging. I put on my favorite band and the band that's preforming at the concert that I'm going to, 5 Seconds of Summer. 

"Perfect" I muttered to myself knowing that they're going to play this song at the concert. I drive to the arena and eat my granola bar savoring it so I can have something in my system. I pay for a parking spot and make sure I have everything, including the tickets. I smile knowing I made it this far. I finally get to see my favorite people sing on a stage.

I put down my visor and check the mirror making sure I look decent. I get out of my car and lock the doors, I head to the big doors and I start to smile even harder than last time.

This is so surreal

I make it through the big wide doors and make it past security. I wander around looking at all the people like me, fans. I see some merch that I think are cute and I walk over to the clerk.

"Hey! Can I get the pink hoodie?" I say politely.

"Sure, what size?" He replies, he seemed very stressed and frustrated.

"Large please!" I reply trying to make it easy for him. Large clothes are so comfy so I always size up.


He comes back with my hoodie and I pay for it. I walk around a little more looking at the food stands. My stomach growls and starts to hurt. I wrap my arm loosely around my stomach trying to conceal the noticeable hunger.

How am I already hungry? I just had a granola bar!

I sigh and walk past the stands, I look at my ticket and try to find my venue. I walk for 2 minutes and soon enough I found it. Although I didn't get front-row seats, showing up and showing my support would hopefully be enough.

The usher directed me to my seat and I sat down. I took a picture of my tickets and posted it on Twitter. I received a few comments and likes but only from a couple of people. I refresh my feed and look for tweets from 5SOS or any of the members. Mike tweeted "I'm so excited" with a picture attached of the stands, I smile and retweet it. I check the time which read 6:54 PM. It starts in 6 minutes. I decide to go to the bathroom to make sure everything looks intact and to make sure I don't have to pee and leave in the middle of the concert.

I got up from my seat taking my belongings and head out of the curtain. I find my way to the bathroom and do exactly as I decided and thankfully I did because I had to pee. I started walking back and as I was I saw a vending machine. It was filled with drinks like Gatorade, water, tea, and lemonade. I  put a dollar in and got water, I know I'm going to need this.

I walk back and try to find the seat I was in 10 minutes ago. Thankfully they haven't started yet but as I was walking through the stands I saw someone sitting in my seat. My row was practically filled and the surrounding rows were as well. I didn't want to cause a ruckus but I wanted to have my seat back.

"Hey, I'm sorry but I think this might be my seat," I said politely. She stared at me blankly and looked me up and down.

"Uh, no this is mine. The usher directed me here." She rudely replied. I was confused as to why she was so rude.

"Oh?" I flashed my light at my ticket which clearly showed the seat. She scoffed after seeing it.

"Well, my ticket says the same thing. Find another spot." She said returning her eyes to the stage that had a countdown. I bit my tongue from saying anything to rude but to be honest, her outfit was very tacky. I walked down to the usher nearly in tears. I don't want to miss my favorite band's opening. I explained the situation and he showed me to security.

"It's not that importa-" before I could finish he slightly shoved me towards security. I explain the situation again and this time my voice was breaking. I was upset that I wasn't seated and ready to watch them. I'm also upset at the fact that the usher pushed me away. Now I'm in the middle of the hall talking to 2 security guards.

"Oh I'm so sorry, give me 2 seconds" He responded very kindly. I nodded and looked down trying to maintain my tears. I'm normally not sensitive but when it comes to my boys, I always will be. I moved to the side instead of being in the middle because it made me feel like I was the center of attention. They muttered something into their walkie-talkies and eventually got a response back.

"I have great news for you." He responded in a completely different tone. I stood up straight and perked my ears up. I started to hear talking from the speakers which meant the concert was starting. I started to tear up more as he continued to speak.

"Do you want to sit in the pit?" He smiled. I nodded my head furiously and they guided me. I was going to pee. Oh, how karma works out.

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