Chapter 10

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I woke up again, but this time I realized where I was. I felt Ashton's grip on my waist tighten as he stretched a little bit.

I guess he just woke up too.

I woke up facing Luke and Michael, I guess I moved in my sleep. I yawned and moved my arm so I can get up. 

"Mmmm" Ashton whined and he pulled my body back down. I giggled and fell back into his chest. I fell back into him, facing his chest. He smiled and held me tight to make sure I wouldn't move. 

"Okay, that's enough lovey-dovey shit," Michael said playfully. Ashton and I laughed at his comment.

"Awe Ashton and Megan sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Calum said messing with the both of us. I burrowed my head into Ashton's arms not liking the attention from the boys. 

"I'm getting more cuddles than you fuckface" Ashton said while sticking out his tongue. All of a sudden I felt a huge weight on top of me and Ashton and I groaned.

"Hey, idiot I'm getting squished," I said, Michael laughed which vibrated my whole body. He got off of us when he felt like the job was done. By this point, I was already wide awake. I got up, and this time Ashton let me, I grabbed my airpod from the floor and walked over to my bag, and put it in its case. I saw the orange light and it started charging. I grabbed my watered-down coffee and take a sip, it tasted gross. 

"Do you guys have water?" I asked trying to get this coffee out of my mouth.

"No," Michael said stifling a laugh.

"Yes, we do don't listen to this idiot," Luke said scoffing at Michael. Michael started laughing.

"It's in the mini-fridge." Luke pointed at the fridge and I grabbed the water. 

"Ooh wait get me one," Calum said holding out his hand. I grabbed for him and threw it. He caught it and cheered. 

"Ugh I'm tired," Ashton said groaning and moving to his side facing everyone. We all laughed. I walked over to where I was previously and sat down.

"Mate it's 7:30 how are you tired?"Luke said laughing. I laughed confused, it's only 7:30?

"Ugh how much longer?" Ashton asked rubbing his face.

"Well, we're gonna get there around 3 in the morning," Luke said checking his phone. I heard Ashton groan again. I smiled and took a couple of sips of the water. I got back up to grab my airpod case and took a piece of gum out. 

"Do any of you guys want some?" I asked the boys before I put it away.

"Ooh yes," I heard Calum say. I smiled and threw him a piece but he didn't catch it. "You fucker" is all I heard Calum say. I laughed and gave everyone a piece so they don't ask later. I walked back to where I was sitting and chewed it as well as everyone else. Michael got up and walked away. I guess he went to the bathroom. Speaking of the bathroom, I need to go pee. 

I grabbed my phone and opened it to find Twitter on. I felt Ashton looking over my shoulder.

"Oh a lot of people are wondering why you tweeted about Meg, Luke," Ashton said looking at my phone and then to Luke. 

"Yeah, they keep thinking if it's a clue," I said in response to Ashton's comment. 

"If you delete it, the fans are gonna go absolutely crazy, I would know," I said laughing lightly.

Michael came back from wherever he was and had a bunch of alcohol. I smiled and he tossed all of us a beer. 

"Do you drink, Meg?" Ashton whispered. I nodded back to him.

"Yes, but it'll make me fat" I lightly laughed.

"What are you two love birds talking about over there?" Luke said eyeing us down. 

"She drinks but she thinks it's going to make her fat," Ashton said. I lightly smacked Ashton's arm because I whispered it for a reason.

"Oh, you don't have to drink it," Luke said shrugging his shoulders and pulling the tab back opening his can. I smiled back with sincere eyes.

"No it's okay, just one won't hurt," I said smiling. I open the can and took a sip.

I hated beer, it reminded me of my parents. 

I stayed silent, taking a sip here and there. I realized that I still needed to pee so I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I opened the door and walked in. I reminded me of a plane, I sat down on the toilet and started peeing. Everything that's happening is crazy. I went to a concert and now I'm semi-friends with my favorite band? Who would've thought. I finished and fixed my shorts. I went to the sink and washed my hands, I checked my hair and it looked like a complete mess. I left the bathroom and walked to my bag.

"What are you doing?" Ashton asked from his position. I looked around and noticed Michael was gone. 

"I'm brushing my hair" I said in response to Ashton's question. I offered it to everyone else and Luke glady accepted. He brushed his hair a little bit and handed it back. I saw Michael come back with 2 bottles of some blue liquid. It looked like vodka. 

Now, this is what I like to see.

 I smiled and got excited. I sat back down in front of Ashton who was laying down behind me with his hand placed on my lower back. He laughed lightly feeling my excitement. 

"I love that shit," I said admiring the bottle. This is way better than beer, my dad drank beers in front of me, never vodka, so I thought it was okay. Besides, it's stronger so I'll gain less weight, hopefully? Everyone chuckled and I smiled happily.

"Here, we don't have shot glasses but go for it" Michael handed me the bottle and I took a couple chugs. Everyone watched intently and I put the bottle down. When I finished the boys started clapping and hyping me up. I laughed and handed the bottle to Ashton. I decided to sit on the floor and once I did everyone followed. Ashton sat next to me, Calum sat next to Ashton and Luke and Michael sat next to each other forming a circle. 

"That's so good, what is that?" I asked Michael slowly feeling it. 

"UV Blue Raspberry, I got it in Philly" Michael said lightly laughing. Ashton passed the bottle to Calum after taking a few sips and it went around the circle. About 10 minutes later we were all feeling it a little bit. 

Wow, I'm getting drunk with my favorite band.

They insisted that we play music and let me have aux. I kept denying do to the fact that I only listen to their music. However, they insisted. 

"Guys, I literally only listen to your music, I'm sure you guys have heard it enough so someone else take it" I laughed shaking my head. I handed the cord to Ashton and he gladly took it.

"Ooh, yeah no were good" Luke laughed shaking his head. I giggled and watched Asthon struggle to put the cord into his phone. I grabbed the cord and phone from him. I put it in with ease and everyone laughed.

"Oh" Ashton said chuckling. I smiled and put my head on his shoulder feeling the vodka hit my head. Michael looked between us and smiled.

"Awe such a cute couple" Luke cooed. I giggled and removed my head. Ashton whined when I moved my head and everyone laughed. Ashton played a song, I only knew the beat not the words itself. I hummed along and looked at Ashton who was playing the drums in the air. I smiled and looked at the rest of the boys who were playing their instruments in the air. I laughed along with them. 

We talked about anything and everything sharing a bunch of laughs. I want to get close with them but I'm not sure if they feel the same. I mean, I am drinking with them and they invited me to their last concert so I think I am making progress. I can't believe I've grown this close to Ashton within a day. I checked the time out of curiosity and saw it was only 8. I smiled because we have a lot of time left in this drive. 

I never want this to end. 

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