Chapter 3

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Maybe: Luke
Hey Megan! It's Luke, we're in town for 2 more days. Do you want to meet up so we can talk about things?

Sure! I'm guessing you don't want to go somewhere public right? We can meet up at a park near the arena? Barely anyone goes there, it should be good.

You guessed right and that works for me! I'll see you around 11 if that's okay?

That's perfect! See you soon!

I was shaking, I was literally shaking. My heart is going 300 beats per minute.

What's happening? I need to look good!

I ran to put my makeup on after realizing that it was 9:37. I ran my straightener through my hair and made sure there were no bumps. I did my everyday look and added a little bit of bronzer. I put my socks and shoes on. I found a cute baseball hat and decided to wear it since it was hot and sunny. It also matched my outfit so why not.

I walked to my kitchen trying to calm myself down. I grabbed a water bottle and 5 extras. One for me and the others were for Luke and the rest of the band if they were coming. I grabbed my keys and headed to my car. I went to Starbucks and got coffee and a warmed croissant. Once I got my order I started driving to the park. I blasted 'Just Saying' and sang along. I ate my croissant and drank my coffee.

I eventually got to the park about 15 minutes later. It was about 10:30 now. I sat in my car and waited for him to arrive. I popped mint gum into my mouth and chewed it making sure I got the coffee smell out of my mouth. About 15 minutes later I see an all-black car pull up 4 spaces away from mine. I saw him and Ashton walk out and find a picnic table. I decided now would be a good time to head out. I walked over to the table and put my keys down.

"Hey, Megan!" Luke said quite chirpy. I took a seat and smiled.

"Hi, guys!" I smiled even harder. My heart was racing.

 Is this really happening?

"So..." Luke said and looked at Ashton who was nearly falling asleep. He shook his head smiling. 

"Long night huh?" I said and laughed lightly at the two. They both looked like they had a long night. Being them, I wouldn't put it past them.

"Without a doubt" Luke said and elbowed Ashton. He groaned and sat up.

"Oh, hey Megan," he said very tiredly. I laughed and replied with a "hey Ashton."

"Just letting you know that being an ambassador for us is kind of difficult but we are going to walk you through it." I heard the thick Australian accent come through. I smiled and nodded.

"Uh, oh yeah, All you really have to do is photoshoots in our merch and we put them on our website," Ashton said groggily. The fact that I'm even sitting with the two is amazing.

"Okay! That seems pretty easy." I smiled and laughed a little to show that I'm engaged in the conversation.

"You seem very nice and not hard to talk to," Luke said with a small smile. I smiled very hard but dropped it lightly when I realized that I showed too much emotion. 

There's no way he just said that.

"Thank you, I'm just really excited that I got the chance to do this with you guys. You guys are amazing and to be a part of your team is a dream" I lightly laughed.

This is so surreal.

"Yeah, no problem!" Ashton replied when he slowly woke up a little more.

"Wait what is that?" Ashton said pointing at my Starbucks drink.

"It's coffee, I can never go a day without coffee." I laughed lightly and his eyes widened.

"Can I please try it? I'm so tired" he begged.

"Yeah, go for it." I smiled and gave the drink to him. I looked at Luke and he had the most amused face.

"Oh my god, this is SO good." He lightly moaned as he took a few sips. I didn't mind since my husbands are sitting right in front of me and moaning. 

Please for the love of god keep your composure.

"Okay, Ash that's enough," Luke said taking the drink away from him and putting it back in front of me. Ashton pouted and pushed his bottom lip out.

"Asshole" Ashton muttered. Luke elbowed his rib again and Ashton let out a groan.

"The coffee on the bus is ass." Ashton said looking at me.

"I have water in the car if that helps you guys a little bit, and I have Advil too," I said with a light laugh.

"Can I PLEASE have them?" Ashton said. Luke said the same thing just less excited. I nodded and walked to my car. I grabbed 2 water bottles and the little Advil container from my glovebox. I walked back and placed both of the waters in front of them.

"Here you go and here's the Advil," I said with a small smile. They both took an Advil and drank the water.

"Thank you," Ashton said with a smile.

"Of course, I got you guys." I smiled. I'm very surprised they trust me with medicine. The fact that they took it with no hesitation is surprising. They weren't worried about me drugging them, if I were them, I would be more cautious but I couldn't do them like that, nor would I ever.

"Anyways, yes so I'm taking that you want to be apart of the team?" Luke asked hesitantly thinking I would say no.

How could I say no to him?

"Yes, I'm down for anything! I have some experience in modeling so I'm sure I'll do fine." I nodded with a light laugh. Ashton let out a big sigh as if he was relieved.

"Thank god, the last person we had, had absolutely no experience and she did it terribly even after they taught her what to do," Ashton said. I was surprised.

"Really? Wow, yeah it's my dream to become a model and for you guys to help jumpstart my career is a big step, but I'm always down for anything." I smiled.

"Perfect, then you're on board!" Luke said raising his arms. I laughed and slowly started to show my excitement. My cheeks got red and I fiddled with my fingers.

"This is literally a dream thank you so much, guys!" I sighed with a smile.

"Of course and if anything you're helping us out too by getting our name out there," Ashton said with a smile.

"When do you want me to start?" I smiled back at both of them.

"Well, in order for you to start there's one thing." Luke said very hesitantly. My smile dropped and I started to become nervous

"Okay! What's up?" I said with a small smile.

"How old are you?" Ashton asked out of nowhere.

"20" I laughed. Ashtons eyes lit up and he smiled.

"Perfect! That works for us, at least we don't have to get parental consent," Ashton said. I tensed up at the mention of parents. Luke glared at Ashton for asking such a personal question.  I laughed and brushed it off.

"That was so personal but okay," Luke said shaking his head.

"No, it's okay! It's not personal at all." I smiled at Luke and he returned it.

"Okay so back to what I WAS saying" shooting a glare at Ashton who was looking at me.

"We need something from you it's a big commitment," Luke said. 

I'm getting nervous, hopefully it's nothing too bad.

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