Chapter 13

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"Can we order something up to the room? I don't want to risk getting seen by one of your fans, besides you can lose fans if they find out one of the boys has a girlfriend" I said, the rest of the boys nodded along.

"Sure, where's the menu?" Ashton said walking over to the nightstand, he found it and came back to me with it. He handed me the menu and I looked through it.

"Thanks," I said and he nodded back at me.

"Wait, I wanna see I'm hungry," Calum said sitting next to me on the wall, we flipped through it and I decided on what I wanted.

"How about pancakes with scrambled eggs?" I said and looked up to the boys. They nodded and Calum agreed with me.

"Wait that actually sounds so good," Ashton said and walked over to me to see the menu.

"It really does," Michael said and nodded along. Luke was entranced by his phone and smiling like an idiot.

"Awe Lukey-Pukey stop texting your little girl toy and figure out what your gonna eat," I said to Luke with a small laugh. Everyone laughed and his cheeks got bright red. 

"Yeah Luke," Calum said laughing along. 

"I'll just have whatever you're getting," Luke said before returning his attention back to his phone. 

"Okay," I nodded and giggled. 

"Do you guys have a show tonight?" I asked looking at the boys. They all nodded with a bright smile.

"Well you guys are excited," I said laughing. They all smiled.

"I love doing shows, even if I'm tired, I'm just happy getting to see my supporters and those who helped me," Michael said. I smiled and nodded.

"I'm happy I get to see you guys play," I said and looked to Ashton who was hovering over me to see the menu. He smiled at me, his big dimples peeked through. 

"Ooh that looks good," Calum said pointing at the item, I nodded along and actually thought about it. 

"What does?" Michael said sitting on the bed watching us. Luke was standing over by the window still looking at his phone. 

"Bacon, egg, and cheese on a bagel," I said and looked at him, he nodded. 

"That actually does," He said and sighed. 

"Okay, I'm getting pancakes, is that cool with you Luke?" I said and he nodded and brushed me off by saying 'yeah, yeah.' I laughed and shrugged my shoulders. 

"Cool, I'm going to order now, what do you guys want?" I said and walked over to the phone. 

"Can we just write it? I have a feeling you're gonna forget." Ashton said with a light chuckle. 

"Sure," I said and laughed, he got a pad of paper and a pen and wrote down what he wanted. Michael and Calum followed. Ashton sat on the bed next to the one we slept in, which Michael was sitting on. I dialed the number and ordered Luke and I's first since I know that I won't forget that one. Then I finished off the list and he said it'll be up in a few. I thanked him and hung up. 

"It'll be up soon," I said and turned to the boys. Calum got up and sat on te bed with Ashton and Michael. They got their phones and looked at it so I decided to do my hair. I stood up and walked over to the mirror. I took my hair out of the towel and grabbed my bag. I got out my hair products and my brush. I sprayed detangler and put oil in my hands rubbing it in to make it more even. I applied it to my ends and then worked my way up so my hair won't get greasy too fast. I grabbed my brush and brushed through, working from the ends to the roots. I parted my hair down the middle and started to dutch braid. 

Thankfully my hair isn't short because it would look weird if it was. My semi-long dirty blonde hair reaches the middle of my back, maybe even longer, to my lower back. I used to get highlights but then they became too expensive so I just bought purple shampoo and kept using that until it looked good. 

I finished the right braid and put my arms down feeling how tired they were. I looked through the mirror and at the boys, they were staring so intently. 

"Yes?" I said and turned around laughing. 

"How in the literal hell did you just do that?" Calum said with his mouth open and eyebrows fuzed together out of confusion. 

"Braid my hair?" I said also out of confusion. 

"Yeah," Ashton said staring at my braid. 

"Have you never seen a girl braid their hair before?" I asked and looked at the three. Luke was sitting on the couch in the back of the room staring at his phone. 

"No," They all said in unison, they looked at each other and laughed. I laughed along with them. 

"Well it's not hard," I said and turned around starting the other side. I finished it while periodically looking through the mirror at the boys and they were still staring. They look like 6-year-olds who have never seen someone do their hair before. I giggled and returned my attention to my hair. With it, in a braid, it reached the middle of my back. I smiled and realized I looked like an egg so I pulled the hair tie down a little bit and started flattening it out. I pulled a few pieces out in the front and used my finger to curl it a little. 

I turned around focusing my attention on the boys, who were still looking. 

"Woah, wait what did you do?" Michael said when he saw the pieces in the front and my hair looked less tight. 

"I flattened it and pulled pieces out so I didn't look bald," I said and pulled the two braids to my shoulders. I felt my eyelashes and curled them up using my finger and looked in the mirror at my eyelashes. I rubbed my lips together and decided to put chapstick on. I grabbed my keys and saw my little chapstick holder, taking out my chapstick. I applied it and put it back in the holder. I rubbed my lips together again to feel it all over my lips. I looked at the boys and saw them rubbing their lips together too. I laughed and offered it to them. They gladly took it and they passed it around. I heard a knock on the door and jumped a little bit. Ashton noticed and laughed at me for getting scared. I shook my head and walked to the door greeting the man. 

"Good morning! Here you go!" The man said and handed me a few plates. I placed them on the little counter and gave him a couple of dollars I found for a tip. 

"Thank you!" He said and I nodded closing the door when he started walking away. 

"Here's the food," I said and looked to the guys. Calum was putting my chapstick away and I handed him his plate. 

"Thanks," He said and walked over to the bed he was just sitting on. I nodded and gave Ashton and Michael theirs. 

"Oh by the way who's money was on that little counter?" I asked so I can pay whoever it was back.

"Oh, I think it was mine," Luke said coming back into the conversation finally.

"Well well, your little girlfriend had to stop answering?" I asked and laughed lightly. He got red and nodded. We all laughed at how nervous he got and I handed him his plate. 

"Well I gave it to the guy as a tip, here," I said handing him the plate. I went to my bag and grabbed a few extra dollars I had. He shook his head and denied it. 

"Well take it anyway," I said.

"Meg I'm not taking your money," He said and laughed.

"Yes you are take it," I said and jolted my hand to him. He shook his head and started eating. 

"Fine," I said and put the money on the counter.

I grabbed my plate and sat down on the bed I slept in, turning the TV on. I sat there watching looney tunes and all the boys watched intently. I smiled and realized I would have never got this chance if it weren't for that lady. 

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