Betrayal (edited)

540 22 13

July 4th

"Don't what nic. He is the son of the nigga that killed my brother. Why should I spare his life when the niggas that are roaming around free. And him" I pistol whipped him "he took you from me nic. You know how much pain it caused me. I cried for weeks nic. Seeing him and you together broke my heart. It broke me. I don't want to relive that ever again. I will do everything in my power to not let that happen again." Nicki looked at me as a tear escaped my eye. She grabbed my face and wiped my tear with her thumb.

"Oh baby. I'm sorry I should've asked you. I didn't kn-"

"No you didn't." I said and I walked out to toosii room to grab his handcuffs. I look in the same place they always is and I find fuzzy handcuffs. This nigga freaky as fuck. I grabbed the handcuffs and I walked back into the room he was in. He was gone. Fuck. I ran down the stairs and went outside and saw him lying on the ground and Nicki had a gun to his head.

"H-he...I'm sorry bey."

"What happened. I was gone for 5 seconds."

"Well the chairs arms weren't connected to the body of the chair."

"So this nigga willingly watched us have sex. Nigga weird asf. Is he alive."

"Yes. I think. You're better a judging than i am." I get down and pressed his vein to see if he had a pulse which he did that was a relief.

"Did he touch you?" I asked nicki

"No" good. Ian wanna have to kill him.

"Now sir what were your intentions."

"I wanted to run away from this hell. If you give me 100gs I'll give you the information but I don't want to be here with y'all."

"Should've thought about that playboy. Now I'm afraid that deal is off the table. And I'm sure you don't want nothing happening to Cara." I said standing up and leaning on the table.


"See you don't get to tell me what to do after you betrayed me. I was being generous, I was being kind and patient. You ran as soon as I left what make you think that I won't think that you'll run to your father as soon as you get paid? Huh. Now you have to earn my trust. And I'll see if cara will see her 13th birthday."

"Ok fine. I- I won't run. Just please don't touch her."

"Whose cara?"

"His little sister."

"You gone kill her?"

"Maybe, if he don't cooperate I'll kill her infront of him and then his mom and then his dad then his dog I'll keep him alive and feed him through a tube to make him relive the situation all over again." I said fantasizing over what I'll do.

"You siCK BITCH." August said getting up off the floor and standing in my face. "If you touch her your dead. DEAD DO YOU HEAR."

"Hm I'm so scared...ahhh" I said sarcastically.

"Why don't you have a heart. Don't you have no soul. Would you put another person through what you have. I k ow it was hard losing your brother. But I can lose my only joy."

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