Broken glass Pt.2

318 20 7

July 10th

I woke up wit a huge headache and remembered that I'm still tied to a chair. I curse myself for letting this happen. I need to get back I to shape. I've gotten too comfortable. I got caught and they just left me here, last time I saw someone was when they made me pass out. I have never had anyone land this many hits on me. For the past few days my broken ribs and shin bones have been hurting me like a mf. I've gotten use to the pain atp.

I looked at my body my shirt is ripped exposing my bullet wound on my stomach. I feel like death, I smell bad and I wanna leave. I wanna see my baby. I use some of my strength to push me back in the chair so I fell over. I used all my energy to slide my leg ropes off the bottom of the chair. I got one leg free so imma try and do the same to the other leg. Now with both legs free I roll over and I place my feet on the seat and I pushed as hard as I could and got my hands free. Finally. I stand on my wobbling legs. In pain and suffering.

"Now where is the door." I look around for another door other than the one they enter and exit out of. I limp towards a window and I see that it's locked I cant open it. Might have to break it or find a vent. I scanned the area for a vent and my eyes went to the ceiling where the only vent was placed. I sighed to myself. I limp over to the chair and I carried it towards the vent. I climbed up on the chair and reached for my pocket knife and felt nothing. They took my favorite knife. Them bitches. They gone die.

I look to the broken glass that I was supposed to grab days prior. I stood up on the chair and started unscrewing the screws in the vent. I took the cover off and threw it to the ground, I mustard up the energy to pull my self up into the vent. I get it and this bitch bout big as the fuckery. I bet that the mice and rats be having balls and shit. Living large and taking charge. I crawl through the dusty space and a spider web with dead insects and a big ass spide just so happens to be infront of me.

I dont even wanna move atp. Cuz whats the point. Ill die here before I touch a goddamned spider nest. That bitch bout bigger than quarter and im not taking no chances so i think ill go the other wa-. You cant turn in this dumb ass. I'd rather die than to touch it you stupid idiot. Same thing nigga dumbass bitch idiot female dog. That dont make sen-. You see that's how you sounded.

Ian finna listen to these niggas. I decide to face my fears and I try my hardest to move out of the spiders way.

"excuse me lemme just-" i crawl past it and it dont seemed bothered by me. "get by you there thank you for not biting me. unless your the spider from spider man than feel free- well not the ones with the Caucasians id rather be miles mora-...talking to a spider. I need to smoke heavily. this shit is unbelievable. Been sober for atleast 4 days or w.e. Still talking beyonce imma need to you be quiet before they hear-"

"FIND HERRRR" if you see the chair underneath the vent smart thing to do is to look in the vent. They not good at they jobs now are they? No. Army crawl instead of baby crawling to minimize opportunity to be seen. I reach the end of the vent and i see a vent that leads outside to my right I start crawling  towards it but im stopped by a person talking. I look through the vent to get a clearer picture and match the voice to a face.

"Yes sir...uh huh...of course...yes we took her...she tried to steal the files with all of our clients names and numbers she also tried to steal bank accounts and access codes. She is a worthy competitor i must say that sir...Oh of course shes tied up to a chair as we speak...we don't plan on killing her sir...oh we planned to have her work for you and your father...Mr.Baxter with all do respect i- i don't think its safe for-...ok sorry sir we will terminate her immediately." I knew that nigga wasn't loyal even after i gave him a nice little chain to the wa- it cant be august. Can it? I continue to army crawl towards the end of the vent. i reach the end of the tunnel and i turn around and kick the vent cover off. 

The smell of rain instantly fills my nostrils i gotta get my barings and make a B line for my car. I lower myself to the ground and when I hit the ground my leg decided to not work. I fell to my face. Hm should i even fight it or should i just stay here in my embarrassment. No its finna rain. You rightttt. I get up and start walking towards wherever. I look around and see towers. These niggas got towers with niggas wit guns but they wont look in a vent where the cha- the vent was off and they talm bout find her.  I see a man with a supressed pistol and i want it. I get behind him and snap his neck.

"Night night nigga" I grabbed his pistol and tucked it. I stuck to the wall looking at my surroundings and peeping the scene. If i shoot one of the guards by the door they will look for me so I have to do this smart. Imma just have to climb a wall, but i so tired i just wanna fall asleep while getting my dick sucked. 

I look for an exit and i just decide to walk out this bitch with a scene. I shoot one of the guards in the tower and he fell down onto the ground. Others went towards him and I made a b-line to the exit. I hopped the fence and ran to my car. I grabbed my keys out my muffler and made sure I went to the ware house just in case I was followed. Might as well see if that nigga August was here like he supposed to be. I opened the ware house and seen that everything i had was gone and my tigers were dead. He killed my babies and my babies babies. I ran down the stairs and seen him gone. 


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