Haunting Nightmares (Pt 1)

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Dick - 13
Bruce - 28

Bruce was beginning to worry about Dick. For the last week the boy had been waking up to nightmares. The terrible dreams weren't unusual for the boy but normally he would be spared for most nights of the week. But lately he couldn't catch a break.

Now Dick sat at the table his head hidden in his arms, while Bruce gently rubbed his hand up and down the boys back. The two had got up to get ready for the day when Dick had suddenly crashed and without a word Bruce had responded concluding that his sons tiredness was from his lack of sleep.

Even though Dick was already in his uniform the older wasn't sure he wanted to send him to school. "What do you want to do today Dick?" he asked taking a sip from his coffee while his other hand continued to comfort him.

Dick turned his head to the side so that his voice wouldn't come out muffled. "I don't know. Go to school I guess."

"You don't have to. Maybe it would be better if you stayed home."

The boy sighed, sitting up and Bruce let his hand fall to his side staring at the bags under his sons eyes. "No, I should probably go get ready."

Bruce watched Dicks retreating form, lost in thought. Their was definitely something he wasn't telling him. But the best he could do now was wait and hope that soon the nightmares that plagued his sleep would leave him alone.


Mr Wayne spent the most part of his day in his office sorting through paperwork and trying to think of a way to help Dick. It wasn't until just after lunch as he was finishing off the meal Alfred had made for him this morning that he got a call from the school.

The lady stated that Dick had attacked another kid and was to come be picked up. This surprised Bruce as he knew Dick wasn't the kind of person to pick on other kids. So immediately he hurried down to the school more worried about his son then about punishing him.

When he arrived the lady at the front office had told him that Dick had punched another kid in the face right in the middle of class. And Bruce wouldn't of had any reason to question her if it wasn't for the teacher that stopped him just before he walked in to the room Dick was being kept in which was of course the principals office.

"Mr Wayne," a voice called out to him and Bruce had every urge just to ignore him and go see his son. But despite that he still turned to see a young male sporting some dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. "Sorry, I was just in the class with Dick. I'm his English teacher, Mr Beck. I thought we could talk about what happen."

Bruce took another look at window placed on the door, spotting Dick sitting on a chair staring down at his lap. "I don't understand? Is their something more that happened that I was not informed about?"

"No disrespect to the principal but I believe you were not told the whole story," Mr Beck replied and Bruce was impressed with the guys bravery. Their wasn't many people who would speak up to the famous billionaire.

"Very well," he turned fully around to face the teacher and folded his arms.

It seemed this intimidated the younger man a bit as he hesitated before speaking again. "Richard seemed a bit on edge with class. And it was English which he usually struggled a bit more with but he didn't seem to be acting himself. I was teaching the class when your son just freaked out. One of his peers - that he doesn't particularly get along with - tried to approached him and he lashed out. I believe it was in fear though and not in anger."

Bruce bit his lip before nodding. "Thank you for telling me Mr Beck," he replied before turning back to the door. He was glad Dick had such a good man looking out for him. He new a lot of the teachers weren't very fond of him, and many of the ones who were just wanted to suck up to Bruce Wayne. Plus English was definitely a subject Dick struggled with and having a teacher that hated him would just make it worse.

Bruce pushed down the handle to the door before entering the room. Immediately the principal and Dick turned their heads to him. He didn't like the tension in here at all as he scanned Dicks face who looked slightly afraid.

"Mr Wayne, it's nice of you to join us. I'm sure your a busy man and I'm glad you could come down to talk about Dicks behaviour." Bruce hated the way he said that.

"Yes, well I'm here and I think I'll be taking Dick home now." Bruce spoke back taking a step forward. He eyed the plaque on the desk reading 'Principal Hughes'. He couldn't never remember his name and to be honest he would probably forget soon.

"I think we should talk about Dick's punishment first." Hughes shot back.

Bruce replied with a forced smile. "Why don't you just leave that to me hey?" and with that be placed his hand on Dick should and led him out of the room.

As they walked out to the car he looked down at Dick. "So you punched a kid." His only reply was a nod. "Do you want to tell me why?"

This time it was only a shrug and Bruce sighed as they got into the car. Though he didn't start driving yet and instead turned to look at Dick in the passenger seat. "Your English teacher Mr Beck, he told me you freaked out."

"He's nice," Dick mumbled.

"Yes. Is he right?" When he was only met with silence Bruce decided to continue. "Would this have anything to do with your nightmares Dick?"

He watched as the boy bit his lip and tear began to pool in his eyes. "I just- what we were doing in class- was hard and my head was a mess and-and I was confused and suddenly I was in my dreams and someone was coming at me and I just- I lashed out. I'm sorry I didn't mean- but Principal Hughes thought I did and I thought-" he cut himself off taking in a shaky breath as a few escaping tears rolled down his checks. 

Bruce quickly reached out a hand placing it on Dicks shoulder and running it down his arm. "Hey it's ok. I'll talk to the Principal okay?"

Dick shook his head moving away to lean against the window. "No, I just wanna go home," he mumbled.

Bruce sighed, speaking a gentle "okay" before he started the car on their way home.


Dick kept himself away for the rest of the day. He didn't join Bruce on patrol, which was understandable but also missed dinner and Alfred said he hadn't seen them since their returned earlier.

Bruce of course checked Dicks room when he returned home from being the dark knight and found the boy asleep in his bed. He prayed that this night would finally be one without nightmares.

Of course that didn't happened. Just as Bruce had turned of his light and settled in to bed, he registered the sound of his door clicking opened and a small ray of light from the halls flooded in. He turned his head slightly to see Dick standing their and could hear the sound of muffled crying as the boy had his hand placed over his mouth. No doubt trying to keep quiet as he decide if we wanted to wake his guardian or not.

Not wanting Dick to decide to leave Bruce sat up carefully and gave him a small smile. "Hey Dickie, bad dream?"

The boy nodded and shyly walked forward removing his hand from his mouth and letting out a sob. "I'm sorry I keep doing this," he whispered letting himself fall into Bruces open arms.

Bruce tightened his grip and pulled the boy into bed with him so that they were both laying down. "It's ok Dickie. Don't worry about it."

At that Dick began crying openly into Bruce's chest and the older began running his hand through Dicks hair. Why couldn't his sons mind just leave him alone.

Eventually Dick sobs quieted down to the occasional whimper until he finally fell asleep. But Bruce didn't take him back to his room, worried the boy would have another nightmare. They had gone to about two or three a night now and no doubt it wasn't long until Dick began crying out again. Luckily he had only been half awake after this one a feel back asleep within minutes. But that didn't make Bruce want to murder whatever was causing this any less.

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