The Wrong Relationships

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Dick - 15
Wally - 17

Third POV

Dick walked down the street with a small skip in his step. He had not long ago been hanging out with his current boyfriend Andy. He was a nice guy, only about a year older then Dick. Not to mention pretty good looking.

Dick hadn't had a lot of good relationships so far. They all ended pretty quickly. They all just wanted money. The last one had been the worse when some girl he really liked broke up with him rather harshly and Bruce had to pretty much drag Dick out of his room. Though he felt good about this relationship. Him and Andy had been dating for about three months and things were going well. At least Dick thought so.

As he rounded to corner he was met with a heartbreaking sight. Out the front of a coffee shop stood Andy. Though not alone. A beautiful tall girl was next to him. Close enough for them to kiss, which is exactly what they were doing.

The small boy froze, tears forming in the corner of his eyes. He walked forward keeping his head down and grabbed Andy by the arm dragging him to a nearby ally. "Hey!" Andy yelled in protest.

When they stopped the older boy looked down at Dick. "Oh, it's you."

The small boy glared up at him. "Yes it's me! What the heck was that! Your cheating on me. I thought you were actually a decent guy for once," he cried as his eyes watered more. Though he refused to let the tears escape.

"Are you really that surprised?" Andy folded his arms. "It was for the money. I thought you would be use to it by now. Do you know how hard it was to date you?"

The sound of high heels could be heard and someone roughly shoved past Dick to go stand next to Andy. It was the girl from before. She had straight blonde hair with a thick layer of red lipstick. "Is this that Dick boy you were telling me about honey? I don't know how you dated a freak like him for so long," she said with a smirk.

Andy chuckled while tears fell down Dick's face. "Aww is Dickie gonna cry. Get use to it. Your not very dateable. Dating a tree would have been better." He said shoving Dick back.

The boy wonder wanted so bad to punch him in the face, but he couldn't bring himself to it. His whole body shook and he tried not to break down right there. He had tried so many times to be in a proper relationship. Though he didn't really know what it was like. In earlier ones, his boyfriends kept insulting him. He didn't think it was that bad until Bruce yelled at them and chased them out of the house.

"Get out of here, charity case," the girl harassed. Dick took a few steps back, then took off running out of the ally and away from the couple's laughing. He only could think of one place to go.

He ran to the closest zeta tube, not even bothering to put on his glasses. The team new his identity anyway, but he didn't want them to see him like this. He only wanted to see Wally.

Dick had always liked Wally. Since they met, but the older boy had only ever shown interest in girls. He was part of the reason Dick started dating. To get his mind off the red head.


Wally was in the kitchen digging into a packet of ships when he heard the computer call out robins code. He didn't look up and instead smiled to himself at the food in front of him. "Wally," Dick's soft voice called through the room.

"What's up dude," Wally answered still not looking up. It wasn't until he heard a small sob that he did.

Dick looked devastated. His eyes were puffy and his hair was all messed up. Tear ran down his face and peering closer Wally could see that the boy was shaking. "Dick? What's wrong?"

Dick walked forward reaching out to Wally and when he was close enough the speedster immediately wrapped him in a hug while Dick started sobbing. "Sssh, ssh, it's ok Dickie," he whispered running a hand through the younger boys hair.

Hearing a commotion, Artemis and M'gann walked into the room. Artemis mouthed to Wally 'what's wrong?' though Wally could only respond with 'I don't know'.

"Robin! What's the matter?" M'gann gasped. When Dick realised there were other people in the room he let out another sob, gripping onto the back of Wally's shirt tighter. M'gann cringed feeling she had just made him more upset.

"Hey, we're going to go to my room," Wally said turning to the girls. He then picked up Dick and sped off.

In a matter of seconds he had sat Dick down on his bed, though the boy didn't let go. "Dick, can you tell me what's wrong?"

Dick shook his head, through it was limited against Wally's chest. "N-no. It's stupid anyway," he muttered. Wally gave him a disbelieving look. He didn't see Dick this upset usually and their was nothing going on at the moment. It wasn't his birthday. It wasn't the day of the accident. It was either a fight between Batman and him, which didn't normally get the bird so worked up. A nightmare. Though it was the middle of the day and Dick would have gone to Batman, or something to do with the life of Dick Greyson. Most likely, a relationship.

Dick didn't speak of them often, but Bruce had told Wally that the dark haired boy hadn't had the best luck with them. Often being used for money when he was obviously just looking for someone to love. Wally couldn't understand why someone would throw away such a prefect person.

"Did something happen today Dick?" Wally asked, "something to do with a relationship?"

Dick let out a sob. Wally knew him to well. He should of known he couldn't hid it from him. He nodded against the speedster and Wally sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry Dick. Their stupid to not want you, ok?"

Dick looked up at his best friend. His eyes puffy and red. "Thanks Wally," he whispered.

Wally smiled, running a hand down Dick's face. "Don't listen to them ok. Your prefect." He then tightly wrapped the boy wonder in a hug in which Dick quickly returned.

I'm kinda running out of ideas for the moment. If anyone has any requests I would be happy to try and do them.

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