Mission Important

2.6K 63 5

Dick - 4
Bruce - 28

A high pitched scream rang through Wayne Manor. Bruce immediately stood up from his seat at the desk, running to the source. In a matter of seconds he was bursting through his sons door to come to his aid. "Dick!" He cried, his eyes almost immediately found Dick who was sitting on the floor.

Dick turned around and look up at Bruce, tears falling from his eyes. "Dick, what's the matter?" Bruce asked, walking up to him.

Dick pointed to the broken toy truck in front of him. He began crying as Bruce sighed.

"Is everything ok Master Bruce? Why is Master Dick so upset?" Alfred asked from the doorway. Bruce turned to him and nodded to the broken toy before bending down and wrapping Dick in his arms.

"Shhhh. Don't worry Dickie. We can get you a new one." Bruce told him, bouncing the boy slightly in attempt to calm him down.

Dick gripped Bruce's shirt tightly, sobbing. The man stood up holding his son in is strong arms. He continued bouncing him while turning around to fully face Alfred. "Alfred, we have a mission." He said.

"Get ready. We're going to the toy store."

• • •

The limo pulled up at the toy store. The millionaire sat in the back holding is son who was now fast asleep. Gently he shook him awake. "Dickie, wake up."

Dick's eyes flickered open. He lifted his head up, gazing at Bruce with a questioning look. Bruce smiled down at him as Alfred opened the door.

Stepping out of the car, Bruce put Dick down on the concrete ground. Grabbing the boys small hand, they made there way up to the large toy store in front of them. The door opened and the young lady at the register look up. "Mr Wayne!" She spoke, surprised.

"Hello, do you happen to have any truck toys? Preferably yellow?" Bruce asked, while Dick trailed behind. He stared up at the lady nervously.

The lady spotted Dick and smiled. She walked out from behind the desk. "Let me show you to the ones we have. Is there a certain one your looking for?" She asked. Her brown hair bobbed behind her as she walked.

"Yes." Bruce look down at Dick. "We... accidentally broke one this morning." He said as they walked down the aisle, stopping in front of a shelf full of different trucks.

"What did it look like?" The lady asked bending down to look at Dick better. The boy looked up at her.

"It's... it's yellow..." Dick began. The lady nodded, even though she already new that but still encouraged him to go on. "I-I think it's called a dump truck. With the th-thing on the back." He rubbed his arm taking is hand out of Bruce's.

Bruce smiled down at him, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly. The lady turned around and began scanning the shelves. "Hmm." The lady hummed in deep concentration. "Is this it?" She asked pulling one down.

Dick shook his head. The lady frowned. "Ok. Let me go look out the back." She said walking off.

Tears began forming in Dick's eyes. Bruce sighed. He couldn't see Dick's face but he could tell he was upset. He picked the boy up holding him in his arms. "Why don't we just get a different one Dickie. This one looks cool." He said pointing at green tractor. But apparently tractors aren't that cool.

Dick shook his head. He sniffed, resting his head on Bruce's chest. "N-no." He said softly.

"But I can get you a better one Dick." Bruce tried to argue.

"No!" Dick yelled, surprising Bruce. He looked up at Bruce with tears running down his cheeks. "Nonono! You got me that truck! And-and you said it was special. You said it was a special present!" He cried.

Bruce frowned, pulling Dick closer to him. "Shhh Littlebird." He whispered.

Another employee walked past and started at them confused. Not because of Dick's crying. From his years at working at the toy story he learnt the it wasn't uncommon for children to cry at toy stores. Mostly because they don't  get the toys they want. But the thing the surprised him was the fact that Bruce Wayne was standing in the aisle. The employee sighed, walking off. It had been a long day.

Dick cried into Bruce's chest, while the man ran is fingers through the boys dark hair. As Dick began to calm down, the lady returned. In her arms was a yellow truck that looked just like the one Dick broke this morning. "Dickie." Bruce tried to get the boy attention.

Dick lifted his head and looked over at the lady with puffy eyes. "Is this it?" The lady asked holding it up.

Dick nodded and the lady walked up to him and handed it him. Bruce smiled at her. "Thank you." He said.

The lady smiled. "I'm just glad I could help." She said looking at Dick.

Bruce payed for the truck while still holding Dick who was staring at his new truck. They thanked the lady again and walked back out to their car. Alfred opened the door for them, smiling when he saw Dick with the truck. "I see the mission was a success." He said.

Bruce looked down at Dick. "What is it Dickie?" Dick only shrugged look down. Bruce and Alfred looked at each other confused.

As they got into the car Bruce looked down at Dick. "I though you would be more happy?" He asked.

Dick shrugged again. "Yeah. I like the truck." He said.

"Then whats wrong?" Bruce put a hand on his sons shoulder.

Dick bottom lip quivered. "I broke the special toy. I'm sorry!" His voice wobbled.

Bruce sighed in releif. "Dick... it's ok. I don't care that you broke the toy." He said wrapping one arm around him.

"Really?" Dick asked.

"Really." Bruce said.

Dick looked down at his toy. A smile spread across his face. "Thanks Bruce."

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