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A request from @ThatLobstar1234
I got a bit carried away. Originally had another part but I think I'll have to do it separately.
This story is briefly mentioned in an earlier one-shot, "Bad Days"

Dick - 13
Clark - 33
Bruce - 32

The first time Dick ever reached out to Clark, wasn't really on purpose. Bruce had to go work something out at Wayne enterprises and Clark happened to be visiting. At the time Alfred was off on holidays so the other man said he would 'babysit' Dick.

Clarke new Dick wasn't  to fond of the idea. It was nothing against the man himself, he was thirteen and was Robin. He could take care of himself. But regardless Bruce had agreed, even if it was just so the adults could continue talking when Bruce returned.

Clarke sat in the living room with Dick a few seats away from him, sitting on his phone. "So... how's school?" he asked trying to break the awkward tension.

Dick looked up briefly before turning his attention back to the screen. The boy wasn't as energetic or lively as he usually was. "Fine," he mumbled.

Clark nodded pressing him lips together. His fingered tapped rhythmically on the arm of the lounge. His brain tried to find away to clear the uncomfortable tension but it seemed he wasn't that good with children. Or teenagers.

Eventually Clark felt the room, deciding to find the two a snack. He new Alfred wasn't home and Bruce wasn't the most skillful person in the kitchen. For all he new Dick may be starving.

Clark didn't have much to go off. Like expected, without the butler here the cupboards were basically empty. So with what he could find from the fridge Clark through some fruit onto a plate.

Satisfied he picked it up and headed back to the lounge room but found it empty. Even with his superpowers the bats were still able to sneak off on him. Bruce could even sometime surprise him from behind. But Clarke decided not to worry. The boy had probably just wondered off to his room.

So the Superman headed up the star case in search for the young boy. As he approached the room it still seemed to quiet to be holding an occupant but Clark quickly looked inside anyway. And as he had predicted it was empty.

Now he was worrying. Dick hadn't seemed to happy before and Clark having only been in side the manor a few times he knew Dick had a large advantage. The boy with his skills could probably easily escape and do who knows what. Not to mention Bruce would probably definitely kill him.

So Clark began swiftly walking through the halls keeping all his senses alert. He soon picked up a noise that was definitely a heart beat. It had to be Dicks. But he also picked up another sound that he couldn't quite name.

Clark quickly made his way to said room with the plate still in hand. He opened the door to find what must of been Bruce's large room and a lump sitting under his blankets on the far side of the bed. Closer, Clark now new what the mystery sound was.

Dick's sniffling and occasional hiccups made the other frown. He took a few steps forward placing the plate of foods on the bedside table. "Dick? Is everything okay?"

Dick immediately froze ceasing the shaking of his shoulder. He gulped before speaking his voice slightly higher then usually. "Yeah?"

His response was questionable and Clark knew not to trust it. Instead he sat down on the edge of the bed and reached across gently removing the blankets.

Dick looked over to him with his knees brought up to his chest, arms resting on top. His eyes were watery as tears ran down his cheeks and his nose was somewhat snotty. Clark thought he looked rather like an upset child, though that was pretty much the truth. Dick was still just a kid after all.

Clark carefully raised an hand placing it on the boys back and rubbing small circles with his thumb. "What's the matter?"

Dicks cheeks seemed to go pink as he buried his head in his arms embarrassed. Clark bit his lip inside what to do. "You know you can talk to me right? Or I can all Bruce?" he offered.

He could see Dick look up at him through his hair before he let out a whine and fell into Clark's side. Clark quickly recovered from his surprised and wrapped his arms around Dick bring the boy into his chest. Dick didn't tell him what was wrong but instead cried into Clark's suit. It didn't seem as expensive as Bruce's but the younger still felt bad.

Clark began rubbing the back of Dicks neck, staring across the room pondering what to do. "Uh- would you like some fruit?" he gestured to the plate next to them.

Dick looked over at it briefly before shaking his head and burying it back into Clark's chest. Clark wondered if he should call Bruce or wait till the man got home. But seeing as Dick seemed keen on staying held onto Clark he decided maybe they should just sit here for a while.


When Bruce arrived home it was surprising quiet. He ended up finding Clark and Dick in the lounge room. To his surprise Dick was sitting upon Clark's lap. The reporter had one arm wrapped around Dick, the other stretched along the back of the lounge. When Bruce came into few Clark took his eyes from the TV which was playing some kind of cartoon that Bruce didn't know the name of but he was sure Dick would.

When Bruce gave him a quizzical look Clark bit his lip. "Sorry, he feel asleep a few minutes ago I'll-" he began to go to wake up the boy.

"No," Bruce quickly spoke making Clark stop, "its fine. Let him sleep."

Clark nodded and Bruce came and sat down on the lounge next to them. The room grew awkward as the two man would glance between the TV —were a short bold man shot at a rabbit—to the small boy curled up in Clark's arms.

Eventually, after what felt like forever, Bruce finally turned off the cartoon. Then Clark explained what happened he learned from Bruce that Dick would sometimes have what they called, 'bad days' and it was most likely that Dick saw or thought of something that caused him to become so upset and tended to be more vunrable. He told Clark that Dick probably hid in his room because he couldn't see Bruce himself and that being surrounded by things that smelt like his father helped. Of course Bruce didn't use the word father but Clark could put it in there himself.

When Dick awoke he immediately apologised to Clark embarrassed and seemed to slowly drift towards Bruce. But Clark assured him everything was okay and even gave his hair a ruffle on the way out saying that he was happy he could help. Before he left he bent down in front of Dick telling him if he ever needed anything, Clark would be happy to help. Dick smiled at that and nodded.

After Clark left, Dick and Bruce sat themselves back on the lounge, Dick head resting on Bruce lap as his guardian gently rubbed his fingers through the boy hair.

When Dick feel asleep Bruce decided he should probably try and find something for dinner. He got up heading to his room to get changed first. When he entered he paused, spotting the plate of nicely arranged fruits sitting on his bedside table. He raised his eyebrows in question before removing his tie and walking off to change.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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