Man's Best Friend

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Dick - 19
Wally - 20

Dick had never had a dog before. He had seen others walk around with them and found them cute. Though he didn't really understand the 'mans best friend part'. Why would you put so much trust or rely on them so much when you could but it in a person. Or better yet yourself. Well, apart from Wolf, who wasn't really just any dog, he hadn't really had much experience.

Though he had to admit, he did feel an appeal to them. He wanted to get one but wasn't sure if Wally would allow it. They had been living together in an apartment for about four months now.

Dick thought he would never understand what it was like to have a dog until him and Wally went on a date. They were walking through the park at sunset when a strange noise caught Dick's attention. "Did you hear that?" he asked Wally.

"What?" Wally looked over at him, giving the other boys hand a light squeeze.

"I swear..." he trailed off hearing it again. Following the sound he dragged Wally over to one of the benches. It was mostly hidden behind trees, though getting closer, he realised there was something sitting near it.

Dick gasped. Laying on its stomach with its head resting on its paws was a small ball of fur. It was tied to the leg of the bench letting out occasion whimpers. Dick didn't know much about dogs, but he new this was a puppy.

Walking forward, he bent down in front of it at it looked up at him with his big dark brown eyes. "Wally... its so cute. What's is it doing out here?"

Wally smiled at his boyfriends excitement. He walked forward looking for anything on the puppy that might tell them why it was out here all alone. "I'm not sure Dick."

Dick pet the dog behind the ears in which it licked its hand in return. "What type of dog is it Wally? It is a boy or girl?" he asked smiling at the puppy tongue touched his hand. The puppy rolled onto its back, eager for more pats.

"It's a boy," Wally stated.

"How do you know that?" he rubbed its belly. Wally just pointed toward its back legs. "Oh."

"Have you never seen a dog before Dick?" the redhead asked, confused.

Dick shrugged. "Not really, I mean I've seen them around." A smile appeared across his face. "Can we keeping him?" he asked looking up at Wally innocently, as he stopped patting the puppy briefly.

Wally sighed, scratching the back of his neck. "I don't know Dick. Puppy's are a lot of work. Plus he may belong to someone."

"If he belongs to someone why would they leave him tied up here. And I promise I'll look after him," Dick pleaded.

"We can take him home for tonight, but tomorrow we have to start looking for his owners," Wally told him and Dick smiled, quickly kissing his boyfriend before untying the leash.


To Dick's pleasure, no one ever claimed the puppy. The two ended up keeping it and Dick found out it was a Golden retriever. He ended up naming it Bear. Dick would take him out on walks when ever he could and even brought him to the cave a few times.

Wally was happy that Dick had found something else to distract him from hero work. Bear always seemed to be able to calm him down after a stressful day.

Though when Dick arrived home one day after going for a walk, he seemed distressed. "Hey babe what's the matter?" Wally asked, getting up from the lounge.

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