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BirdFlash (Don't like? Don't read.)
Kaldur - 17
M'gann - 17
Conor - 17 (physiologically)
Artemis - 16
Wally - 16
Dick - 14


It was late at night. Wally was in is room at the cave with Dick playing video games. They decided tonight they would have a sleepover. Something they regularly did.

"Yes! I won!" Wally yelled. Which surprised him. Dick always beat him at any video game. Turning his attention he looked over at the boy leaning against his bed. Dick was fast asleep with his mask off, since Wally as well as the rest of the team new his identity anyway.

Wally sighed. "Come on man." He complained and moved down next to Dick. He picked him up, careful not the wake him. He thought he had succeeded, until he placed Dick on his bed and the boy let out a groan. "Ah. Sorry Dick." Wally apologised.

Dick's only response was reaching out a grabbing the speedsters arm. Pulling him down. "Whoa... you good dude?" Wally asked amused.

Dick moved over on the bed a bit, still half asleep. He patted the space next to him and Wally sighed, sitting down. "Stay..." Dick mumbled.

Wally blushed slightly. He had to admit that he did find the blue eyed boy cute. Especially like this. "Ok." He whispered and Dick smiled.

As Dick began to fall asleep, Wally began to play with his hair. "Wally... I like you." Dick said quietly and Wally didn't think he was quiet awake enough to understand what he was saying.

"Yeah. I like you too. That why your my best bud." He told the tired bird.

"No... like, like like you." Dick continued. Wally blushed slightly and opened his mouth to speak, but Dick beat him to it. "And I know you think I'm just saying this because I'm tired. But I do. Really."

Wally just stared at him. He wasn't quiet sure how to react. Did he really like him? Was he just to tired to know what he was saying?

Opening his mouth to speak, he looked down and realised the boy was now asleep. Running a hand through his own hair Wally sighed. There was no way he was getting any sleep tonight.

Wally was drinking a coffee in the kitchen when Dick walked in. This caused the red head to almost choke mid sip. No one else was up yet, since it was still early.

Dick narrowed his eyes at Wally. "Man, did you sleep ok? You look terrible." He asked walking closer.

Wally places down his cup. "Do... do you remember last night?" He looked at his best friend awkwardly.

"Last night? You mean playing video games?" Dick looked at him confused. He really tried to think back. But at the moment nothing was coming to him.

"No... you said... you liked me. Like, had feelings for me." Wally told him. Dick froze staring up at his friend. "Well? Do you?"

Dick looked away. Yes. It was definitely true. But he couldn't say that. Wally sighed. His silence gave him his answer. "So you do?" Wally looked down at him.

Now it was Wally's time to think. Did he feel the same way. Sure, there was some kind of attraction he guessed. So maybe he did. Wally looked over at Dick who wouldn't meet his eyes and was beginning to back away. "Dick." Wally caught him.

Looking up at him Dick seemed nervous. No afraid. He was afraid that Wally would hate him. Would cast him away or call him a freak. "So... your gay?" Wally asked.

"B-bi actually." Dick told him looking away again. "I-I'm sorry, we can just forget this happened." He was about to walk away when Wally grabbed his arm. The younger froze to scared to turn back around and see the expression on his best friends face.

When Dick didn't make the effort to, Wally turned him around. Before any of them could process what was happening, Wally smashed his lips onto Dick's. At first the boy wonder was surprised, but soon he melted into it, wrapping his arms around Wally's neck while Wally wrapped his arms around Dick's torso.

After a few seconds, they parted and there was a squeal from the doorway. Wally and Dick turned to see M'gann and Conor at the door. M'gann had a large smile and was trying not to cry out in joy again. Conor had his arms folded with a small smirk on his face.

As the boys parted M'gann flew over to Dick grabbing his hands beginning to ask a million questions. Conor just walked over to Wally and pattered him on the shoulder.

Kaldur and Artemis walked into the room. "What is going on?" Kaldur asked.

Conor answered first. "Wally and Dick just kissed." Kaldur looked at Wally, while Artemis walked over to Dick and began fangirling with M'gann.

Once everyone had calmed down. Dick walked back up to Wally. "So... you don't hate me?" He asked.

Wally frowned. "Of course not. Why else would I kiss you."

Dick smiled shyly before rubbing his arm. "I though after I told you, you would think of me... differently."

Wally looked at Dick sadly before pulling him into a tight hug. "Dick... I really care about you. Your special to me. Like really special." Dick buried his head into the speedsters chest smiling.

Another squeal was heard and Wally looked over at M'gann and the others. Dick laughed into Wally though it was muffled. Artemis playfully slapped M'gann on the arm. "M'gann..." She complained, "your ruining their moment."

M'gann covered her mouth, while Kaldur began to push them all out. "Come on. Let's leave our friends alone." He said.

Once they were all out of the room, Wally looked down at Dick. He smiled staring at his blue eyes before placing another kiss on his lips. He never realised he had loved his friend so much.

Dick Grayson One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now