Haunting Nightmares (Pt 3)

814 34 2

Dick - 13
Bruce - 28

After yesterday's event Dick wouldn't leave Bruce's side. The man had to go into Wayne enterprises and work and Dick just sat in his lap while he signed long a pointless papers. He had to admit it felt childish but he was to scared to leave him. Even if they walked out in public, Dick would covertly grab on to a peice of his guardians clothing.

The team, mainly Conner who seemed surprisingly shaken up for someone who usually likes to appear tough, had told Bruce that Dick had freaked out while training after being knocked to the ground. Bruce had no doubt that it had to do with Dick's nightmares but he didn't want to confront Dick yet who still seemed every fragile from the whole accident.

Bruce looked down at the sleeping boy in his lap, glad he was finally getting some sleep. That was until Dick let out a whimper and the man let out a long annoyed sigh. Why couldn't this just stop already? He gently tried to shake Dick awake as he didn't think Dick screamed or freaking out at Wayne Enterprises would be very good.

Luckily he woke rather soundlessly and with slightly watery eyes he looked up at Bruce giving a small smile which of course the man returned. Look over at the clock Bruce sighed. "Why don't we head home."

Dick turned his head looking to his guardians desk and the hundreds of papers that laid littered over it. "Don't you need to do that?" he asked. Bruce shrugged and stood up still hold Dick who let out a small chuckle.

"I'm the boss, I do what I want." Dick smiled up at him before yawning and stretching out his legs to be put down. Much to Bruce's disappointment he placed his son on the ground. He missed holding the boy. "Come on, let's go." He grabbed Dicks hand and began leading him out the door.


When they arrived home Bruce walked into the lounge room closely followed by Dick he sat down on the lounge and patted the space next to him. "What are you doing?" Dick asked innocently.

"Talking." Bruce watched the boy freeze before hesitantly making is way over to Dick. "Now if this gets to much just tell me, but we need to talk about what's been happening these last couple of weeks. Nightmares, then the accident at school, the breakdown in the cave." He spoke the last one carefully but Dick still flinched. "Is their something that might of happened to start this. Something you're not telling me."

Dick shrugged burying himself into his fathers side. Bruce wanting to see his face but understanding he wanted to be close to him moved Dick on to his lap. "I take that as a yes."

Their was silence for a few moments until Dick spoke. Timidly unlike his usual self, like it had been since the breakdown. "Remember that night a while ago when you woke me up because well Gotham needed Batman and Robin?" Bruce nodded. "Well before that I had a pretty bad nightmare. This was before I started getting them every night. And well then you came and woke me up and I was confused. But anyway we went out and you were fighting the Joker or poison ivy or whoever I can't really remember."

He looked up at Bruce wondering if he should keep going. When he got no signal to stop he continued. "Well I was fighting scarecrow." He paused to swallow. As his throat seemed to go dry. "And I- I know - I don't - I don't-can't-" his voice broke off as he tried to gain control of his breath again but all that come out was another sob. Which was stupid because he didn't want to cry.

Dicks eyes stared at the wall across the room, oblivious remembering something from that night. Bruce ran a hand through his hair carefully. "Hey it's ok you can tell me."

Dick opened his mouth to speak again but all he did was let out a cry, so Bruce pulled him into his chest whispering to him until Dick had mostly calmed down again.

"I was fighting Scarecrow and he used the fear toxin and I-" his voice caught in his throat, "I know I've had it used only me -before but-but 'cause of the nightmare it just- and then I don't remember what happened but I think I passed out..." he trailed off crying and Bruce hugged him closer.

"Yeah, I found you passed out but no sign of Scarecrow or any fear toxin that had been used when I brought you back to the cave. Oh chum, why didn't you tell me about this."

Dick sniffed before continuing. "I don't know. I just every time I wanted to I felt scared and I- I don't know why I just- it may of had something to do with what I saw- or just the toxin-" he took a few second to regained himself again so that his voice wouldn't keep catching, "and then I kept getting these nightmare, worse then before and couldn't sleep and I- I had all this school work but I was to tired- and then I would see things while I was awake. I'm sorry-sorry. I don't know why I didn't tell you." He attempted to swallow down the lump that was in his his throat while letting out short gasps.

Bruce ran his hand down Dick's back and had to try to stop tears from forming in his own eyes. He placed a kiss to his temple and sighed. "You don't need to apologise chum. Thank you for telling me."

Dick nodded and looked up at him giving his father a half smile before burying his head into the crook of the mans neck. "Go to sleep Dickie bird."

"But... what about the nightmares," he asked quietly.

"Yeah I know. But your gonna have to sleep eventually. And I promise I'll find a way to help you. But for now I'll just have to keep them away myself." Dick nodded, snuggling up against his Dad and letting out a soft yawn. Gosh, Bruce was really praying that tonight the boy would get some decent sleep.

He carries him up to Bruce's room and laid down with him on the bed, not wanting to leaving him along. "I love you Dickie, we'll fix this."

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