Forgotten Birthday [Part 2]

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Dick - 21
Jason - 20
Tim - 17
Damian - 15
Bruce - 46

[Dick's POV]

They had forgot. My family had forgot my birthday. I had been excited all week. Didn't they know why. I never forgot their birthday. In fact I always tried to make it the best day for them. I wanted them knowing that I cared for them. But they couldn't do the same for me.

Now I sat in my room on my bed. My back leaning against the wall. Staring up at the ceiling I sighed. It was my 21st birthday. And I was so excited to celebrate it. Barbara has suggested she throw me a big party. But I said my family was probably planing something.

I shook my head. There was no use moping in here. It was almost patrol time and I wanted to still have some fun today.

Walking down to the bat cave I smile seeing my brothers getting ready. "Hey!" I greeted. "Can I join tonight."

Bruce, now Batman walked in behind me. "Sorry Dick. This is an important mission. We've been carefully planning it for the past week. We can't change the plan now." He said.

I frowned. "Oh come on, please... What if I just patrolled a different part?" Batman shook his head. "Why didn't you guys invite me on the mission in the first place?" I looked back to my brothers who just shrugged.

"Boys. I'm leaving. Meet me there soon." Batman said, getting into the batmobile.

Tim and Damian we ready, waiting for Jason who had just ran off to get changed. "Have you really been planning this the whole week?" I asked.

Damian shrugged. "Check the calendar." I walked over to the bat computer pulling up the calendar. Sure enough, it said "the mission". The thing that hurt me the most though was that it was right over the note saying, "Dick's birthday". They had to of seen it when they put in the date right? Did they really just want to not celebrate my birthday. Celebrate me? I thought, beginning to step away from the computer.

"Come on guys. Please let me come." I whined. All I wanted to do was spend time with them. "Please..."

Jason groans walking back into the room. "Come on Dick. Stop being so annoying. You've been doing it all week and we're sick of it." He said harshly.

He didn't even stop to look at me and instead headed to his bike, along with Tim and Damian. Tim paused though to look back at me. "Don't worry. We'll be back by 11:30." He said.

I perked up. "Why?" I asked slightly excited. We're they planning something after all?

"To welcome Alfred back of course." Damian said plainly before leaving.

I stared, watching them drive out. As they left, I allowed a few tears to escape my eyes. Wrapping my arms around myself as walked out off the bat cave my head down. I was so stupid to think today would be great. I was stupid to think they would want to celebrate with me.

• • •

[Third POV]

The bat family got back a bit later then expected. Luckily Alfred didn't seem to be home yet, so they could still greet him. "Where's Dick?" Bruce asked. "He should greet Alfred to."

Tim looked over at Jason and whispered. "Don't you think you were a bit harsh earlier?" He questioned.

"Maybe." Jason said. "But Dick will bounce back. He'll be fine."

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