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Summer of 1950; South Jeolla

Y/n and Jayoon are 11


Hwang Y/n's POV

It's the summer of 1950 when me and my family moved back to Korea from Detroit in the states. The war all around the world is finally over and everyone is beginning to get back up again.

My family isn't really affected by the war that much. We were actually hid by my father, Hwang Ki Nam, and in the states, we peacefully studied.

(insert Y/n)

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(insert Y/n)

Somewhere in the suburbs of South Jeolla, my father drove to an unfamiliar neighborhood. All houses are well organized and in medium sizes except ours. The car went to a full stop as well as the huge truck behind us.

"Welcome to our new home" Father introduced. Me and my other two brothers got out of the car. My older brother, Hee Tae, is a doctor while the younger, Jung Tae, is an athlete. Me? I exceed academically but I wanted to live as an idol.

"Hee Tae and Y/n, help your father get the boxes" I heard my mother called.

As I got there, another little girl in my age entered the truck. She was thin and well dressed. She got bangs and her hair is long.

"Hi! I'm Jayoon!" She introduced loudly. I hate loud people.

I rolled my eyes and ignored her. "Hello Jayoon, you should go to your house. Your mom is probably looking for you" I heard dad says. "My mom says it's okay to help you all here. Uhm" she looked at me while smiling so brightly. "Should we get this one together-" before she even finished her sentence, my dad stepped his foot above the box.

"Isn't it the time you help your mother?" I heard him say to me. I looked at him curiously until he winked. I got his idea and said "Oh yeah!"

I ran out the truck and as expected, this Jayoon annoying girl followed me. She tried grabbing my arm but I wiggle off her grip. But she caught it again. This time, it was my hands.

It was weird everything around us turned slow. Even the flow of her hair and the sparkles on her eyes moved slow. What is this, what's happening?!

"Oh, I see you already met my daughter" we turn to mom who spoke. "You got a new friend, Y/n?" I glared at my mom and ran behind her.

"Awe, she's just shy" my mom told the other girl.

What is she doing here anyway? She should mind her own business!

I glared at Jayoon who's smiling crazy at me.


Jayoon's POV

As I was sitting on a pavement beside the road, I noticed this new building infront of my house. It was the largest I've seen on this entire neighborhood! Then, a car came pass by me and I saw this beautiful girl peeking out of the window, looking at me.

The car stopped infront of the house and the truck behind them stopped as well. I stood up and went to the neighbors to help them.

I was about to talk to that girl when she entered the huge truck. I decided to follow her there to talk to her.

"Hi! I'm Jayoon!" I introduced.

As the girl who's the same height as I am looked at me, my inner thoughts are like:

Wow, she has the most dazzling eyes I've seen

My thought made me smile as well as the other girl.

"Should we get this one together-" I was about to pick up one box but her father stopped me. The next thing I knew is that we exited the truck and me trying to grab her arm.

I want to talk to her badly but she's moving real fast. I grabbed her hand instead that made her stop.

Everything around us turned slow motion. Her eyes looked straight to mine and her lips starting to curve.

Is this the moment? My first kiss?

We stared for eternity until her mother broke the contact.

"Oh, I see you already met my daughter" I let go of the girl's hand shyly. We can't kiss infront of her mom! "You got a new friend, Y/n?"

Ah, so Y/n is her name.

Y/n ran to her mom and peeked at me. She's so cute!

"Awe, she's just shy" I smiled at her mother and nodded. "It's okay mrs..."


"Mrs. Hwang. I guess... I'll see you at school?" I asked Y/n who looked away. "Yes, she'll be attending South Jeolla Secondary School"

"I study there!" I told Mrs. Hwang excitedly. "Look Y/n, you got a school friend already" her mom tried to pull her out but she's really shy that made her cuter.

"I'll go home for now, Mrs. Hwang. See you tomorrow at school Hwang Y/n!" I waved at her before going across the road where I live.

Hwang Y/n. My first crush.

I giggled to myself.

I can't wait to talk to her.

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