2 : The Sycamore Tree

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Hwang Y/n's POV

Oh no, the annoying Shim Jayoon.

I rolled my eyes before smiling then turning to her. "Hey, Jayoon"

She was smiling back at me while fidgeting her fingers. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Oh, I cleaned my roof. I'm going somewhere" I said before dashing off, leaving her behind. "Wait! I wanna come" I squinted my eyes then bit my inner lip. Why is she following me?!

"Oh, uhm... sure" I smiled to her fakely and she seemed didn't noticed it. Don't she get that I don't like her around me? Should I be harsh on her?

A smiley Jayoon walked behind me as I led the both of us to a single tree beside the road. There's no house in the lot, just this single sycamore tree.

"You know this tree too? Me and my sister used to climb here when we were little" Jayoon ran to the tree and climbed immediately. In just a second, she's already high above the ground! Like how?! I can't even climb up there.

"Come here, Y/n. The view is nice up here" I looked up at her and the afternoon light shined on her face. I forgot, sunset is happening.

"I... can't. I got rashes" I lied then sat under the sycamore tree. I took out a book that I got from my room, reading it.

"No fun, Y/n. You should be physically active sometimes" I heard her say. I shrugged it off then focused back on my book. As it gets darker, I lost interest on the book I was reading then stood up.

Here comes the mosquitoes.

I was about to go off when I heard someone called. "Hey, hey! Wait for me" I stopped on my tracks. I forgot, Jayoon. I clicked my tongue before looking back at her. She's climbing down fast. "Faster, will you?"

Once her feet landed on the ground, I started walking away from her. Then I remembered, my parents are fighting. Once again, I stopped in my tracks infront of my house.

"Yah, my mom said I should invite you for dinner. That's the reason why I came to your house earlier"

"You should've told me. It was boring back there" I turn around to the direction of Jayoon's house before walking towards it. It's my first time going here.

"Wait up, I have to tell you something" Jayoon held your shoulders.

"We should act like close friends infront of them, okay?"

After that one dinner, I never came back to the Shim residence anymore. It's not because I don't like them. I don't like Jayoon, but her family is kind.

"Where have you been? I saw you came out of the Shim's house. What did you do there?" I recalled mine and my dad's conversation after I got home.

"Mrs. Shim invited me for dinner, dad. Don't worry, they're kind towards me"

"Kind? What if they put poison on your food? You can't just accept dinners, Y/n" I apologized to dad before he dismissed our conversation. I went to my room and stared outside of my window. Unexpectedly, Jayoon's window is parallel to mine. I can see her writing something and she's... smiling? I raised an eyebrow before closing my curtains.

under the sycamore tree // s. yoon ✔Where stories live. Discover now