Epilogue : First Kiss

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Hwang Y/n's POV

Dita has this bitchy attitude but sometimes, she's really kind. Especially to me, I'm her friend.

"Thanks" I told her as we ate the food. "You're welcome... besides, I want to flex my money and... you got alot of food" I chuckled before looking behind her.

It was Jayoon with Dongpyo. They look so happy talking to each other. She's smiling again... but not to me.

How could she just sit there and look so beautiful?

Wait... what am I thinking? I like her? Do I?

"Hey hey... are you listening" Dita snapped her fingers infront of me. I looked at her and then shook my head. "Ugh, so I was saying... there's this transferee named Jinny-"

I looked once again to Jayoon and she's tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Wow, she looks beautiful"

"What?" Dita looked behind her and saw Wonyoung with Yujin. "Wonyoung? Ofcourse... yah yah! Focus back at me" I continued to stare at Jayoon, muting everything I hear but her laugh. Her giggles echo around the room. I felt like she's the only one I am with in the room right now.

I stood up and all the attention goes to me. This is embarrassing but... Scratch it, I don't care anymore.

I like Shim Jayoon.

I walked towards her and drag her up so she could stand up. "What are you doing?" She simply asked but I was too focused swimming in her dazzling eyes. How could I only notice that now?!

"Mwoya... what is this" the students started chanting as I leaned my face to Jayoon's. I was so close but I felt her push me away before running.

The room was filled with ooh-s and I was there... heartbroken for the first time. So this is what Jayoon feels like when I'm avoiding her for Sunghoon before?

Wait... does she even likes me?

The other students started ooh-ing at me. "Come here Y/n! I'll kiss you!" I heard Giselle but I shrug it off, chasing Jayoon who just ran out of school. As I reached the bike parking lot where she always parks her bike, she was already gone.

I kicked the railings as I clasped my hair.

"Yah! What was that all about?!" I heard Dita. "What do you think it was?!"

"Hey! Have you flipped?! Jinjja... You like Jayoon?! That poor-"

"DON'T JUDGE PEOPLE BY THEIR STATUS" I pushed her as she landed on the concrete floor. "You have the finest guys and girls swarming at you and you chose Jayoon"

"You don't know Jayoon, Dita. I don't care if they're the finest or richest... I want a kind attitude and manners unlike yours"

"Oh shut up"

"You shut up" I went back in the cafeteria to get my basket and then walked back home. It's still noon so it's very hot.

The clanking sound inside the basket is the only thing I hear during my long walk. As I reached my house, I set the basket down beside our fence before crossing the road to Jayoon's.

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