5 : Eggs

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Hwang Y/n's POV

These past few days, Jayoon came back to school again. But the difference is that the other students ignore her, saying things to her like "attention seeker" and "newspaper girl". She never fought back tho, I know she ain't that bad.

The science fair day came and here I am, presenting the classic baking soda volcano. I always do this every science fair when I was still a kid ang guess what, I always win!

My dad and mom both came to the fair and while the judge was checking out my project, the kids started swarming to Shim Jayoon's corner.

"The eggs are hatching!"

I heard one student shout.

Eggs? Thats it? How is that awesome or science-winning?

Both my dad and mom check it out too and in the end, Shim Jayoon won the fair, me coming in second. The teachers were amazed by her work like how? It's just a natural thing, you can watch eggs hatch every week in your backyard or farm or something!


Months passed and Shim Jayoon started talking to me again. It's like the tree thing never happened, how can she not be mad at me?

I was walking back home from school when Jayoon came to me, holding tray of eggs in her hands. "Hwang Y/n!" She shouted as she crossed the road.

I hope the tray falls, I hope the tray falls, I hope the tray-

As much i wished for the tray to fall, it didn't. Jayoon reached me safely. "For you! Eggs" I smiled at her awkwardly and took the tray. "Thanks, Jayoon" she smiled before leaving me in our yard. I watched her enter their house and as I look at their lawn, it's not that dirty anymore but still messy with the grass and stuffs.

The bushes where cutted perfectly tho and there were fences too.

I entered the house and put the eggs on the refrigerator. I changed my clothes and did my assignment for the night.


Jayoon's POV

The Science fair was announced and I can't help but to think what project I am going to do this year. Last year, I didn't participated but when I was in middle school, I used to do this insecticide thing but that's old so I'm gonna try something knew.

As the teacher was discussing what will happen in the fair, I looked at Y/n and smiled. I want to impress her, I thought. Then, this wonderful idea popped in my head.

Why not raise some chickens and give Y/n eggs?

Immediately, I got help from my parents to buy new born eggs at the market.

"Here, when you see this... it's alive" my dad put the egg on a red/orange light and inside, there was this small vain beating. "That's the heart" he told me. I nodded and watched the chick's heartbeat. "I'll name it Se Eun" I chuckled and took another egg from the basket to check.

In total, I got 5 eggs to hatch in the fair. It took a lot of time but it's worth the wait.

I won 1st place in the science fair! For the first time in my life!

I felt great people were cheering for my project. I look around to find Y/n and there she is, with her parents. Mrs. Hwang looks so amazed and this man... Mr. Hwang, has this disgusted face plastered on his face. Y/n looks neutral. She saw me looking at her and she smiled, her beautiful smile.

I raised the 5 eggs until they grew into chickens. I named them Si Eun, Su Min, Isa, Se Eun and J. Cute names, right?

One day while feeding the chickens, I saw one of the chicks never came out of the nest. "Are you okay?" I asked the chicken and when it went out of it's place, there's an egg!

The eggs keeps on multiplying week by week. I tried every egg recipes but the refrigerator keeps on refilling eggs! My mom kinda told Mrs. Kim from the neighbors about this that led them to buy some for 1000 won per dozen!

"Why not give the Hwangs some?" Yeeun told me as she visited my house. She saw my refrigerator full and suggested this. "Y/n is your friend, right? Or... you like her" Yeeun nudged me with a teasing look.

"You thought I didn't knew huh, you've been very fruity since Y/n came, Jayoon"

"Don't talk like you don't have a crush on Jo Hyewon, Yeeun-nie"

"H-How-" "I know why you always like to excuse yourself to the clinic! It is because you want to see Hyewon on the 3rd building!" "Fine..."

In one afternoon, I came home early to read myself for Y/n's arrival. Ofcourse I need to dress pretty. As soon as I saw her walking infront of their house, I yelled her name and ran to her.

While crossing the road, I felt my surrounding in slow motion. She was looking at me, in the eye! I felt my cheeks heat up so I walked faster and gave her the tray of eggs. "For you! Eggs"

I saw her smile sweetly at me before taking the tray. "Thanks, Jayoon" I was staring on her sparkly eyes, feeling my ears heat up aswell. I immediately turn around and walked home.

How dumb of you to act like that infront of her, Jayoon!

I ran inside and then went to my room, screaming on my pillow.


Y/n's POV

"Wow... Jayoon's chicks grew up well" my mom praised the eggs for being delicious. "Her mom used to work on a farm before" my grandpa said.

"So what? Their yard is dirty, we should not eat these" my dad took away the eggs away from his plate in disgust. "And how could you, Y/n, just take some dirty eggs from the neighbors" he angrily asked me. "I-"

"They're not dirty, Ki Nam" my mom fought back. My dad rolled his eyes and continued eating his food. "Look at their lawn, very dirty. What else on their backyard, probably home of garbage" I looked at my grandfather who's clenching his fist but releases later on.

"Throw this eggs away tomorrow, Y/n. I don't care if eggs are everyone's favorite here, this is a garbage egg." I never spoke and looked at my mother who's keeping her mouth shut.

"And when she gives you more, throw it again."

After the dinner incident, Jayoon regularly gave me more eggs. Knocking on my door everyday and smiling sweetly at me whenever I thank her. My replies are always short, how can she always smile at me.

"Thanks Jayoon, see you at school" I took the 7th tray of eggs. And closed the door on her face. As soon as I peeked on the window and she's gone, I took the trash in the kitchen and put them on a paper bag, the tray of eggs ontop. As soon as I exited the door, Jayoon was still there in the porch.

"Jayoon? What are you still doing here?" I asked her awkwardly. She turn to me and smiled. "Nothing... what are you doing?"

"Uhm... it's trash collection day so..." she came close to me, looking at the paper bag on my hand.

"Are those my eggs?"

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