1 : Problems

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a/n: I forgot to mention that every chapter, Y/n and Jayoon's POVs will be written but same events. Y/n's perspective first then Yoon's.


Hwang Y/n's POV

Since the beginning of my childhood, Jayoon always followed me around like a puppy.

The time I entered school, note that we're 11 already, she ran to me, hugging me like we're close friends already!

"Y/n?! You're my classmate?! You're here!" Then I felt her launch herself like a big koala. We landed on the floor that led the entire class to laugh at us.

On the playground, she ran around catching me. The kids on the swing started singing this song: Jayoon and Y/n sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Who wouldn't get embarrassed by that?!

Jayoon never felt embarrassed tho. The next day, in recess time, she sat beside me and tried to feed me with her food!

"Y/n! Why don't you ask her to marry you?" I heard one of the students said. The entire kids in the cafeteria laughed at us. I felt shy to everyone that made me push Jayoon away.

I made friends and tried going out with this boy named Sunghoon. He's the same age as me (in the story) and I noticed everytime I held hands with him, Jayoon go away.

My best friend, Dita, who's an Indonesian, kinda walked herself and got interested in Sunghoon.

At one lunch time, Sunghoon went to me and broke up with me? We're not even together. I slapped him infront of everyone and specifically, infront of Jayoon.

Why did I do that!

And then the next days, Jayoon started to get close to me again. And this time, i caught her sniffing my hair. Yep, SNIFFING my shampoo!

This girl's crazy. I rolled my eyes and focused on what my teacher says.

This habit continues until we reach the age 16.

We've matured, no, Jayoon matured and tried not to get a bit touchy with me. Me on the other side, started talking bit by bit to her.

Whenever she say "Good Morning Y/n, how was your day", I would reply "Good Morning Jayoon, it's great." Then go away. Atleast I reply to her, right?

5 years passed and my brother go abroad to work. My younger brother studies on a sports school where he can focus on track and field that leaves me with my mom and dad at home. Wait, my grandfather on mom side also moved to our home after my grandmother died last year. He doesn't talk to me tho. He always stares outside the window, I bet he missed grandma.

"How's School, Y/n?" My father asked. We're currently eating peacefully. "It went well dad. Still ranked number 1"

"You ranked 1? Wow" my grandfather talked. "She's been number since we moved here. I guess you really don't care about your granddaughter, Rowoon." I heard my father start.

"Ki Nam" mom whisper-yelled at him. "What? I'm right tho" my hand stopped playing with my food and sat there, listening to whatever they'll fight about... again.

"It's not that I didn't care-"

"Oh yeah? Then why didn't you knew? And i bet you didn't even knew who's Jung Tae, right? What about Hee Tae? You never spend time to anyone of your grandchildren, Rowoon." My father started to be disrespectful, this needed to be stopped but what can I do? I don't want to get slapped.

under the sycamore tree // s. yoon ✔Where stories live. Discover now