3 : As We Wait for the Bus

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a/n: btw, old korea and old america looks the same in the story


Hwang Y/n's POV (the whole chapter)

'Y/n, I can't take you to school today. Go to the school bus stop 2 blocks away instead. Love you hun'

I can't believe mom needs to work extra early today. I sighed as I get my bag then walking 2 blocks away from our house.

2 blocks... 2 blocks, I think I knew where this is...

"Hwang Y/n!" I looked over at the the distance where someone called for me. It was Dita. She's taking the bus too? I thought she was richer than my family... that's what she said.

"Dita? You're taking bus too?"

"Yeah, just for today. My mom left for work early today"

What a coincidence. Both of us walked towards the familiar path. It was towards the sycamore tree me and Jayoon went to.

If you're thinking how I know this place, whenever my dad fought whoever in the family, I run to this place and study. I can't focus when I hear some screaming and shoutings.

"5 BLOCKS AWAY!" Then, I heard a familiar voice of an annoying person. "Jayoon? What is she doing up there?" I looked at where Dita was looking at and there we saw Jayoon on top of the Sycamore Tree.

I leaned on the tree trunk while waiting for the bus to come. "HWANG Y/N!" I closed my eyes, clenching my fist. "HEY! HOW ARE YOU?" I looked up above my head. "I'M FINE, THANK YOU" I fakely smiled as I saw her smile at me. Annoying.

"4 BLOCKS AWAY!" Is she a traffic manager or something?

"3 BLOCKS AWAY!" Is it necessary to shout?

"2 BLOCKS!" then, a single leaf fell on my palm coincidentally. I looked up and saw Jayoon coming down. I walked towards Dita and pulled her as soon as the bus stopped infront of us. We sat on the double seat and once I sat, I sighed. I'm glad Dita's here or else, Jayoon would choose to sit with me.

The next day, same thing happened again. My mom got to work early and guess what, she left a note that I will be riding the bus for a month. Is this how job promotions work? Should I ask her to get my driver's license already?

I'm so sick of hearing Jayoon's voice everytime the bus comes.

"HEY Y/N! COME HERE, YOU CAN SEE EVERYTHING" I looked over at Dita and she's not paying attention. She's talking to some other students beside her.

"Uhm... NO THANKS" I held a thumbs up to Jayoon incase she didn't heard me. "SUIT YOURSELF DOWN THERE!" I heard her reply.

Jayoon... Shim Jayoon makes me wanna hate this place.

This Sycamore Tree.

"There he is, the wannabe painter" one Sunday, my family is complete in the house. Except Hee Tae oppa.

under the sycamore tree // s. yoon ✔Where stories live. Discover now