7 : At The Hwang's

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Yoon's POV

What Hwang Y/n done was very rude! I hate her! How could she throw away eggs if it's her favorite?

"It wasn't Y/n, it's Ki Nam, that ruthless man..." Rowoon, Y/n's grandfather, replied to me.  I sighed knowing Y/n isn't that bad but shame on her, she followed her father's orders.

"You know, Y/n is a very introvert girl. You should befriend her" I pouted as I painted our house's wall. "I wish I could, but she doesn't remember me..."

It's still vivid in my memory. The way Y/n fell from that tree was a nightmare. I tried to bring back her memory to date but she doesn't want to climb that tree before it was cutted. She said she's afraid of heights... well, I think she can't remember but her body has trauma.

"It's September again, does your school have that event? What was that called... Buddy Auction?" I looked at her grandpa confused. Buddy Auction is new to me... maybe only seniors do that? Wait, I'm a senior now.

"It's an old event in school. Only seniors perform it" he explained. "What happen there?"

"Well, 'Buddy' contestants stand up in stage with picnic baskets. Each of them has different foods and students will do auction. It's a form of making friends or relationships..." I nodded and then looked at the neighbor. I saw Mrs. Lee sitting on her rocking chair on her patio, looking at me and grandpa. She waved and u waved back. "You know Jayoon, you should earn money and bid for Y/n" her grandpa laughed. "I'm sure she will join the Buddy Contestants"

But how can I earn? My parents doesn't even have that much money.

"Welp, anyways... I'm going home now. I had enough exercise so see you tomorrow, Jayoon!" I waved to Rowoon as he crossed the road to their huge house. I continued to paint the house white and tomorrow, I'll make a design for it.

The next days, the Buddy Auction Contestants were posted on the School Announcement Board and there I saw Y/n's name. "Y/n is the finest girl here... and the richest...I should bid for her" I heard Aeri, a year above our level, said. What a gold digger.

"Woah woah woah, ladies. If Y/n's the richest, then count me in" the jock, Juyeon, said. "What will you do to her riches? The important thing is she's very fine" oh no, here comes Sunghoon again. That guy... she's currently dating that girl Doah right now! How could he!

"Shim Jayoon! Are you bidding for Y/n too?" Sunghoon raised an eyebrow at me as he saw me looking at the Contestants. I shook my head and then walked away. Everyone knew I don't have the money, why would they ask in the first place?!

Later that evening, it was shocking that we'll be having dinner at the Hwang's residence. It was all of the sudden, I think Rowoon invited my mom... well, I hope nothing bad happens.

"Mom, what am I going to wear?" I asked. "Just wear that beige dress of yours, Yoon" I wore the only dress I have in my drawer and then came down. "My daughter looks beautiful, let's go!" My dad escorted me as my mom held two dishes she made on her hand. As we reached there, Mrs. Hwang opened the doors for us.

As I went in, I can't deny how perfect the house could be. Wide and clean. The decorations are well arranged and there's this big family picture in the middle. "Oh isn't that Hee Tae oppa? He matured so much" I asked Y/n's mom as I pointed at the picture. "Jayoon! You grew up pretty well too... oh how I wish Y/n and you are still best of friends since childhood but..."

"Oh Mirae, don't worry about that..." my mom told her and I nodded. I don't want to trigger Y/n so since they came back here, we talked about restarting everything so Y/n won't get affected. Mr. Hwang was kinda not in the good terms with us. I don't know why...

"Where's Jung Tae? Studying away from home?" My mom asked. "Yes, well... he wanted to be an athlete so bad, he chose to study and live on a training center..." Mrs. Hwang explained. Jung Tae, I never played with him before. He was just a baby when me and Y/n are still friends... Hee Tae oppa on the other side is very playful but he likes to study more. Y/n likes to read books and sometimes plays guitar.

"Y/n wanted to be a singer, but her father won't let her" I heard Mrs. Hwang said. "Why Mrs. Hwang?" I asked out of curiosity. Mr. Hwang is really blocking Y/n for her future huh.

"Oh Jayoon, you can call me mom" she smiled at me. "Y/n is very good at singing and because she exceeds in academics, her father wants her to be an engineer" I nodded and looked around more. The photos were displayed on the wall of the stairs. I want to go and look over there but Mrs. Hwang called for Y/n already.

I saw her running down the stairs, wearing this velvet dress that sways everytime she walked. She's showing us her 'first love' type of smile and her eyes, sparkling. 

"Hi Mom, hi Shim Family" she greeted as I rolled my eyes, remembering what she had done. I look away and went behind my mom who's smiling awkwardly at me, nudging me to greet back.

"Hello Y/n" my mom greeted her instead. My dad nodded at her and I ignored her. "Let’s get started, shall we"

The dinner was quiet not until her father spoke up. "So Shownu, what's your work?" He asked. I sneered in my seat as i looked at Y/n's father. I can see he's really competitive and a show-off. He's a businessman, he earns more money than my family.

"I sell my arts" my dad simply replied. "Hah, ofcourse you sell your paintings"

"And I'm a manager at that museum in Seoul that's why I only go home every weekend" I heard Mr. Hwang almost choked that made me almost laugh. It's true, he's a manager but the money he earned was only for our family needs. "Then why don't you live there?" Mr. Hwang asked. "I want to live here, my daughter's grave is here"

Oh, Ryujin unnie...

I saw Mr. Hwang nodded in agreement. "You could've told me you manage a museum" he whispered but I heard since I sat beside his chair. I looked at Y/n and she was looking at me, she looked away embarrassed that made me sneer at her.

The dinner went well unexpectedly and it looks like my dad and her dad are good. Now, it's all flipped. Me and Y/n aren't in a good place right now.

"Jayoon" I was looking at the pictures at the wall when I heard a familiar voice called for me. It was Y/n, she was on the second floor ground while I was standing on the stairs.

"Can we talk?" I gulped and look at my parents. They were all talking to each other so I slowly went to Y/n's side. She brought me to her bedroom and opened it of me. I sat comfortably on her bed and looked around. It was decorated by different instruments, she's a music geek i must say. There are even Madonna and Westlife posters on her wall.

"You like Westlife?" I asked. "I do like their music, but Marilyn Monroe is my wife" I heard her chuckle and sat on the other side of the bed. "What is it you wanted to talk to?" She fiddled her fingers as she looked down.

"I just want to say sorry, my Dad-"

She's gonna reason her dad again... if that's the reason, she could've just give it back to me instead of throwing it away. I really hate this atmosphere. I really thought she likes the eggs I gave her but it's the other way around.

"You're forgiven but don't expect much from me anymore" I stood up and left her room. I ran downstairs and went to my mom. "Well, it's getting late. See you tomorrow Mirae" I heard my mom said her goodbyes. I bowed at her parents and galnced at the stairs once again just to see Y/n there, frowning. I turn around and went out of their house.

The whole egg issue is now cleared but my issue with Y/n... I don't think so, I'm starting to hate her attitude.

She's not the Hwang Y/n I knew before.

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