4 : Coward

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Jayoon's POV

After Y/n brought me up to that Sycamore Tree, it grew on me again. Bitter-sweet memories of my childhood rely there. I remember falling from the 3rd branch when I was in 3rd grade... huh.

Early in the morning, I saw students there waiting for the bus. This is the a bus stop since I was young. I used to ride busses before not until my dad got an old truck from my uncle.

I climbed up the tree, unspoken to other students. I don't have friends. If I have, it's only Yeeun but she's on the other side of town, not in the same suburb as mine.

Eventhough I don't have friends, I talk to others. I just don't label them as friends, I got some trust issues on choosing friends. Yeeun was my friend since I was kindergarten so I can testify she's a real one.

"Jayoon! You might fall from there! Get down!" I heard someone shout below. I saw Dita, ugh. This girl. I know she hates me.

"NO THANKS! I'M PRO AT THIS" I saw her roll her eyes. Attitude. Then, I saw this beautiful person coming to our way. Y/n. She's wearing this flannel shirt as always. She sometimes wore dress but it's rare. She looks beautiful on every outfit tho.

Not far from my view, I saw the bus coming.

"5 BLOCKS AWAY!" I smiled at myself. Vivid memories. I used to be like this before too. When I was in elementary, they call me traffic officer for shouting out loud. I glanced at Y/n and I saw her looking at me.

"HWANG Y/N!" I saw her look away for a bit then looked back at me. "HEY! HOW ARE YOU?" I asked. "I'M FINE, THANK YOU!" I saw her smile at me that made me smile back. She's so cute!

I turn my focus back to the bus and continued shouting.

"4 BLOCKS AWAY!... 3 BLOCKS AWAY!... 2 BLOCKS!" I slowly went down to the tree and as soon as I stepped on the ground, Y/n and Dita were already in the bus. Sucks I can't sit beside her today.

The next day were no different than yesterday. I came alot of early to see the sunrise and once the sun is all set, the field is colored gold like it's time to harvest the crops.

"HEY Y/N! COME HERE, YOU CAN SEE EVERYTHING" I called for Y/n who's resting her back on the sycamore tree. "NO THANKS" I heard her reply. Does she have fear of heights of something?

"SUIT YOURSELF DOWN THERE!" I shouted back and admired the sunrise.

It's so beautiful.

Like Hwang Y/n.


Climbing up to tree became my habit everyday. In the morning or afternoon. The view above is just... magnificent. And when I'm above, I feel my mind so open and the weights on my back loosen.

Oh I wish dad would come here and paint this scenery.

One afternoon, I was above the tree, looking at the fields. I heard some trucks below and I saw some lumberjacks coming out. Wait- are they cutting the tree down.

"HEY! HELLO! CAN I ASK WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I asked loudly for them to hear. All of them looked up at me.

"Hey hey hey, little girl. Get down here, we're cutting this tree down"

under the sycamore tree // s. yoon ✔Where stories live. Discover now